Bible - Psalms -
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

Psalms Chapter 74 úÌÀäÄìÌÄéí

à  îÇùÒÀëÌÄéì, ìÀàÈñÈó:
ìÈîÈä àÁìÉäÄéí, æÈðÇçÀúÌÈ ìÈðÆöÇç;    éÆòÀùÑÇï àÇôÌÀêÈ, áÌÀöÉàï îÇøÀòÄéúÆêÈ.
1 Maschil of Asaph. {N}
Why, O God, hast Thou cast us off for ever? Why doth Thine anger smoke against the flock of Thy pasture?
á  æÀëÉø òÂãÈúÀêÈ, ÷ÈðÄéúÈ ÷ÌÆãÆí--    âÌÈàÇìÀúÌÈ, ùÑÅáÆè ðÇçÂìÈúÆêÈ;
äÇø-öÄéÌåÉï,    æÆä ùÑÈëÇðÀúÌÈ áÌåÉ.
2 Remember Thy congregation, which Thou hast gotten of old, which Thou hast redeemed to be the tribe of Thine inheritance; {N}
and mount Zion, wherein Thou hast dwelt.
â  äÈøÄéîÈä ôÀòÈîÆéêÈ, ìÀîÇùÌÑËàåÉú ðÆöÇç;    ëÌÈì-äÅøÇò àåÉéÅá áÌÇ÷ÌÉãÆùÑ. 3 Lift up Thy steps because of the perpetual ruins, even all the evil that the enemy hath done in the sanctuary.
ã  ùÑÈàÂâåÌ öÉøÀøÆéêÈ, áÌÀ÷ÆøÆá îåÉòÂãÆêÈ;    ùÒÈîåÌ àåÉúÉúÈí àÉúåÉú. 4 Thine adversaries have roared in the midst of Thy meeting-place; they have set up their own signs for signs.
ä  éÄåÌÈãÇò, ëÌÀîÅáÄéà ìÀîÈòÀìÈä;    áÌÄñÀáÈêÀ-òÅõ, ÷ÇøÀãÌËîÌåÉú. 5 It seemed as when men wield upwards axes in a thicket of trees.
å  åòú (åÀòÇúÌÈä), ôÌÄúÌåÌçÆéäÈ éÌÈçÇã--    áÌÀëÇùÌÑÄéì åÀëÅéìÇôÌåÉú, éÇäÂìÉîåÌï. 6 And now all the carved work thereof together they strike down with hatchet and hammers.
æ  ùÑÄìÀçåÌ áÈàÅùÑ, îÄ÷ÀãÌÈùÑÆêÈ;    ìÈàÈøÆõ, çÄìÌÀìåÌ îÄùÑÀëÌÇï-ùÑÀîÆêÈ. 7 They have set Thy sanctuary on fire; they have profaned the dwelling-place of Thy name even to the ground.
ç  àÈîÀøåÌ áÀìÄáÌÈí, ðÄéðÈí éÈçÇã;    ùÒÈøÀôåÌ ëÈì-îåÉòÂãÅé-àÅì áÌÈàÈøÆõ. 8 They said in their heart: 'Let us make havoc of them altogether'; they have burned up all the meeting-places of God in the land.
è  àåÉúÉúÅéðåÌ, ìÉà øÈàÄéðåÌ:    àÅéï-òåÉã ðÈáÄéà; åÀìÉà-àÄúÌÈðåÌ, éÉãÅòÇ òÇã-îÈä. 9 We see not our signs; there is no more any prophet; neither is there among us any that knoweth how long.
é  òÇã-îÈúÇé àÁìÉäÄéí, éÀçÈøÆó öÈø;    éÀðÈàÅõ àåÉéÅá ùÑÄîÀêÈ ìÈðÆöÇç. 10 How long, O God, shall the adversary reproach? Shall the enemy blaspheme Thy name for ever?
éà  ìÈîÌÈä úÈùÑÄéá éÈãÀêÈ, åÄéîÄéðÆêÈ;    îÄ÷ÌÆøÆá çå÷ê (çÅé÷ÀêÈ) ëÇìÌÅä. 11 Why withdrawest Thou Thy hand, even Thy right hand? Draw it out of Thy bosom and consume them.
éá  åÅàìÉäÄéí, îÇìÀëÌÄé îÄ÷ÌÆãÆí;    ôÌÉòÅì éÀùÑåÌòåÉú, áÌÀ÷ÆøÆá äÈàÈøÆõ. 12 Yet God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth.
éâ  àÇúÌÈä ôåÉøÇøÀúÌÈ áÀòÈæÌÀêÈ éÈí;    ùÑÄáÌÇøÀúÌÈ øÈàùÑÅé úÇðÌÄéðÄéí, òÇì-äÇîÌÈéÄí. 13 Thou didst break the sea in pieces by Thy strength; Thou didst shatter the heads of the sea-monsters in the waters.
éã  àÇúÌÈä øÄöÌÇöÀúÌÈ, øÈàùÑÅé ìÄåÀéÈúÈï;    úÌÄúÌÀðÆðÌåÌ îÇàÂëÈì, ìÀòÈí ìÀöÄéÌÄéí. 14 Thou didst crush the heads of leviathan, Thou gavest him to be food to the folk inhabiting the wilderness.
èå  àÇúÌÈä áÈ÷ÇòÀúÌÈ, îÇòÀéÈï åÈðÈçÇì;    àÇúÌÈä äåÉáÇùÑÀúÌÈ, ðÇäÂøåÉú àÅéúÈï. 15 Thou didst cleave fountain and brook; Thou driedst up ever-flowing rivers.
èæ  ìÀêÈ éåÉí, àÇó-ìÀêÈ ìÈéÀìÈä;    àÇúÌÈä äÂëÄéðåÉúÈ, îÈàåÉø åÈùÑÈîÆùÑ. 16 Thine is the day, Thine also the night; Thou hast established luminary and sun.
éæ  àÇúÌÈä äÄöÌÇáÀúÌÈ, ëÌÈì-âÌÀáåÌìåÉú àÈøÆõ;    ÷ÇéÄõ åÈçÉøÆó, àÇúÌÈä éÀöÇøÀúÌÈí. 17 Thou hast set all the borders of the earth; Thou hast made summer and winter.
éç  æÀëÈø-æÉàú--àåÉéÅá, çÅøÅó éÀäåÈä;    åÀòÇí ðÈáÈì, ðÄàÂöåÌ ùÑÀîÆêÈ. 18 Remember this, how the enemy hath reproached the LORD, and how a base people have blasphemed Thy name.
éè  àÇì-úÌÄúÌÅï ìÀçÇéÌÇú, ðÆôÆùÑ úÌåÉøÆêÈ;    çÇéÌÇú òÂðÄéÌÆéêÈ, àÇì-úÌÄùÑÀëÌÇç ìÈðÆöÇç. 19 O deliver not the soul of Thy turtle-dove unto the wild beast; forget not the life of Thy poor for ever.
ë  äÇáÌÅè ìÇáÌÀøÄéú:    ëÌÄé îÈìÀàåÌ îÇçÂùÑÇëÌÅé-àÆøÆõ, ðÀàåÉú çÈîÈñ. 20 Look upon the covenant; for the dark places of the land are full of the habitations of violence.
ëà  àÇì-éÈùÑÉá ãÌÇêÀ ðÄëÀìÈí;    òÈðÄé åÀàÆáÀéåÉï, éÀäÇìÀìåÌ ùÑÀîÆêÈ. 21 O let not the oppressed turn back in confusion; let the poor and needy praise Thy name.
ëá  ÷åÌîÈä àÁìÉäÄéí, øÄéáÈä øÄéáÆêÈ;    æÀëÉø çÆøÀôÌÈúÀêÈ îÄðÌÄé-ðÈáÈì, ëÌÈì-äÇéÌåÉí. 22 Arise, O God, plead Thine own cause; remember Thy reproach all the day at the hand of the base man.
ëâ  àÇì-úÌÄùÑÀëÌÇç, ÷åÉì öÉøÀøÆéêÈ;    ùÑÀàåÉï ÷ÈîÆéêÈ, òÉìÆä úÈîÄéã. 23 Forget not the voice of Thine adversaries, the tumult of those that rise up against Thee which ascendeth continually. {P}

Bible - Psalms -
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150