à äåÉãåÌ ìÇéäåÈä, ÷ÄøÀàåÌ áÄùÑÀîåÉ; äåÉãÄéòåÌ áÈòÇîÌÄéí, òÂìÄéìåÉúÈéå.
1 O give thanks unto the LORD, call upon His name; make known His doings among the peoples.
á ùÑÄéøåÌ-ìåÉ, æÇîÌÀøåÌ-ìåÉ; ùÒÄéçåÌ, áÌÀëÈì-ðÄôÀìÀàåÉúÈéå.
2 Sing unto Him, sing praises unto Him; speak ye of all His marvellous works.
â äÄúÀäÇìÀìåÌ, áÌÀùÑÅí ÷ÈãÀùÑåÉ; éÄùÒÀîÇç, ìÅá îÀáÇ÷ÀùÑÅé éÀäåÈä.
3 Glory ye in His holy name; let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD.
ã ãÌÄøÀùÑåÌ éÀäåÈä åÀòËæÌåÉ; áÌÇ÷ÌÀùÑåÌ ôÈðÈéå úÌÈîÄéã.
4 Seek ye the LORD and His strength; seek His face continually.
ä æÄëÀøåÌ--ðÄôÀìÀàåÉúÈéå àÂùÑÆø-òÈùÒÈä; îÉôÀúÈéå, åÌîÄùÑÀôÌÀèÅé-ôÄéå.
5 Remember His marvellous works that He hath done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth;
å æÆøÇò, àÇáÀøÈäÈí òÇáÀãÌåÉ: áÌÀðÅé éÇòÂ÷Éá áÌÀçÄéøÈéå.
6 O ye seed of Abraham His servant, ye children of Jacob, His chosen ones.
æ äåÌà, éÀäåÈä àÁìÉäÅéðåÌ; áÌÀëÈì-äÈàÈøÆõ, îÄùÑÀôÌÈèÈéå.
7 He is the LORD our God; His judgments are in all the earth.
ç æÈëÇø ìÀòåÉìÈí áÌÀøÄéúåÉ; ãÌÈáÈø öÄåÌÈä, ìÀàÆìÆó ãÌåÉø.
8 He hath remembered His covenant for ever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations;
è àÂùÑÆø ëÌÈøÇú, àÆú-àÇáÀøÈäÈí; åÌùÑÀáåÌòÈúåÉ ìÀéÄùÒÀçÈ÷.
9 [The covenant] which He made with Abraham, and His oath unto Isaac;
é åÇéÌÇòÂîÄéãÆäÈ ìÀéÇòÂ÷Éá ìÀçÉ÷; ìÀéÄùÒÀøÈàÅì, áÌÀøÄéú òåÉìÈí.
10 And He established it unto Jacob for a statute, to Israel for an everlasting covenant;
éà ìÅàîÉø--ìÀêÈ, àÆúÌÅï àÆú-àÆøÆõ-ëÌÀðÈòÇï: çÆáÆì, ðÇçÂìÇúÀëÆí.
11 Saying: 'Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance.'
éá áÌÄäÀéåÉúÈí, îÀúÅé îÄñÀôÌÈø; ëÌÄîÀòÇè, åÀâÈøÄéí áÌÈäÌ.
12 When they were but a few men in number. Yea, very few, and sojourners in it,
éâ åÇéÌÄúÀäÇìÌÀëåÌ, îÄâÌåÉé àÆì-âÌåÉé; îÄîÌÇîÀìÈëÈä, àÆì-òÇí àÇçÅø.
13 And when they went about from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another people,
éã ìÉà-äÄðÌÄéçÇ àÈãÈí ìÀòÈùÑÀ÷Èí; åÇéÌåÉëÇç òÂìÅéäÆí îÀìÈëÄéí.
14 He suffered no man to do them wrong, yea, for their sake He reproved kings:
èå àÇì-úÌÄâÌÀòåÌ áÄîÀùÑÄéçÈé; åÀìÄðÀáÄéàÇé, àÇì-úÌÈøÅòåÌ.
15 'Touch not Mine anointed ones, and do My prophets no harm.'
èæ åÇéÌÄ÷ÀøÈà øÈòÈá, òÇì-äÈàÈøÆõ; ëÌÈì-îÇèÌÅä-ìÆçÆí ùÑÈáÈø.
16 And He called a famine upon the land; He broke the whole staff of bread.
éæ ùÑÈìÇç ìÄôÀðÅéäÆí àÄéùÑ; ìÀòÆáÆã, ðÄîÀëÌÇø éåÉñÅó.
17 He sent a man before them; Joseph was sold for a servant;
éç òÄðÌåÌ áÇëÌÆáÆì øâìéå (øÇâÀìåÉ); áÌÇøÀæÆì, áÌÈàÈä ðÇôÀùÑåÉ.
18 His feet they hurt with fetters, his person was laid in iron;
éè òÇã-òÅú áÌÉà-ãÀáÈøåÉ-- àÄîÀøÇú éÀäåÈä öÀøÈôÈúÀäåÌ.
19 Until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the LORD tested him.
ë ùÑÈìÇç îÆìÆêÀ, åÇéÇúÌÄéøÅäåÌ; îÉùÑÅì òÇîÌÄéí, åÇéÀôÇúÌÀçÅäåÌ.
20 The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the peoples, and set him free.
ëà ùÒÈîåÉ àÈãåÉï ìÀáÅéúåÉ; åÌîÉùÑÅì, áÌÀëÈì-÷ÄðÀéÈðåÉ.
21 He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his possessions;
ëá ìÆàÀñÉø ùÒÈøÈéå áÌÀðÇôÀùÑåÉ; åÌæÀ÷ÅðÈéå éÀçÇëÌÅí.
22 To bind his princes at his pleasure, and teach his elders wisdom.
ëâ åÇéÌÈáÉà éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì îÄöÀøÈéÄí; åÀéÇòÂ÷Éá, âÌÈø áÌÀàÆøÆõ-çÈí.
23 Israel also came into Egypt; and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham.
ëã åÇéÌÆôÆø àÆú-òÇîÌåÉ îÀàÉã; åÇéÌÇòÂöÄîÅäåÌ, îÄöÌÈøÈéå.
24 And He increased His people greatly, and made them too mighty for their adversaries.
ëä äÈôÇêÀ ìÄáÌÈí, ìÄùÒÀðÉà òÇîÌåÉ; ìÀäÄúÀðÇëÌÅì, áÌÇòÂáÈãÈéå.
25 He turned their heart to hate His people, to deal craftily with His servants.
ëå ùÑÈìÇç, îÉùÑÆä òÇáÀãÌåÉ; àÇäÂøÉï, àÂùÑÆø áÌÈçÇø-áÌåÉ.
26 He sent Moses His servant, and Aaron whom He had chosen.
ëæ ùÒÈîåÌ-áÈí, ãÌÄáÀøÅé àÉúåÉúÈéå; åÌîÉôÀúÄéí, áÌÀàÆøÆõ çÈí.
27 They wrought among them His manifold signs, and wonders in the land of Ham.
ëç ùÑÈìÇç çÉùÑÆêÀ, åÇéÌÇçÀùÑÄêÀ; åÀìÉà-îÈøåÌ, àÆú-ãáøéå (ãÌÀáÈøåÉ).
28 He sent darkness, and it was dark; and they rebelled not against His word.
ëè äÈôÇêÀ àÆú-îÅéîÅéäÆí ìÀãÈí; åÇéÌÈîÆú, àÆú-ãÌÀâÈúÈí.
29 He turned their waters into blood, and slew their fish.
ì ùÑÈøÇõ àÇøÀöÈí öÀôÇøÀãÌÀòÄéí; áÌÀçÇãÀøÅé, îÇìÀëÅéäÆí.
30 Their land swarmed with frogs, in the chambers of their kings.
ìà àÈîÇø, åÇéÌÈáÉà òÈøÉá; ëÌÄðÌÄéí, áÌÀëÈì-âÌÀáåÌìÈí.
31 He spoke, and there came swarms of flies, and gnats in all their borders.
ìá ðÈúÇï âÌÄùÑÀîÅéäÆí áÌÈøÈã; àÅùÑ ìÆäÈáåÉú áÌÀàÇøÀöÈí.
32 He gave them hail for rain, and flaming fire in their land.
ìâ åÇéÌÇêÀ âÌÇôÀðÈí, åÌúÀàÅðÈúÈí; åÇéÀùÑÇáÌÅø, òÅõ âÌÀáåÌìÈí.
33 He smote their vines also and their fig-trees; and broke the trees of their borders.
ìã àÈîÇø, åÇéÌÈáÉà àÇøÀáÌÆä; åÀéÆìÆ÷, åÀàÅéï îÄñÀôÌÈø.
34 He spoke, and the locust came, and the canker-worm without number,
ìä åÇéÌÉàëÇì ëÌÈì-òÅùÒÆá áÌÀàÇøÀöÈí; åÇéÌÉàëÇì, ôÌÀøÄé àÇãÀîÈúÈí.
35 And did eat up every herb in their land, and did eat up the fruit of their ground.
ìå åÇéÌÇêÀ ëÌÈì-áÌÀëåÉø áÌÀàÇøÀöÈí; øÅàùÑÄéú, ìÀëÈì-àåÉðÈí.
36 He smote also all the first-born in their land, the first-fruits of all their strength.
ìæ åÇéÌåÉöÄéàÅí, áÌÀëÆñÆó åÀæÈäÈá; åÀàÅéï áÌÄùÑÀáÈèÈéå ëÌåÉùÑÅì.
37 And He brought them forth with silver and gold; and there was none that stumbled among His tribes.
ìç ùÒÈîÇç îÄöÀøÇéÄí áÌÀöÅàúÈí: ëÌÄé-ðÈôÇì ôÌÇçÀãÌÈí òÂìÅéäÆí.
38 Egypt was glad when they departed; for the fear of them had fallen upon them.
ìè ôÌÈøÇùÒ òÈðÈï ìÀîÈñÈêÀ; åÀàÅùÑ, ìÀäÈàÄéø ìÈéÀìÈä.
39 He spread a cloud for a screen; and fire to give light in the night.
î ùÑÈàÇì, åÇéÌÈáÅà ùÒÀìÈå; åÀìÆçÆí ùÑÈîÇéÄí, éÇùÒÀáÌÄéòÅí.
40 They asked, and He brought quails, and gave them in plenty the bread of heaven.
îà ôÌÈúÇç öåÌø, åÇéÌÈæåÌáåÌ îÈéÄí; äÈìÀëåÌ, áÌÇöÌÄéÌåÉú ðÈäÈø.
41 He opened the rock, and waters gushed out; they ran, a river in the dry places.
îá ëÌÄé-æÈëÇø, àÆú-ãÌÀáÇø ÷ÈãÀùÑåÉ; àÆú-àÇáÀøÈäÈí òÇáÀãÌåÉ.
42 For He remembered His holy word unto Abraham His servant;
îâ åÇéÌåÉöÄà òÇîÌåÉ áÀùÒÈùÒåÉï; áÌÀøÄðÌÈä, àÆú-áÌÀçÄéøÈéå.
43 And He brought forth His people with joy, His chosen ones with singing.
îã åÇéÌÄúÌÅï ìÈäÆí, àÇøÀöåÉú âÌåÉéÄí; åÇòÂîÇì ìÀàËîÌÄéí éÄéøÈùÑåÌ.
44 And He gave them the lands of the nations, and they took the labour of the peoples in possession;
îä áÌÇòÂáåÌø, éÄùÑÀîÀøåÌ çË÷ÌÈéå-- åÀúåÉøÉúÈéå éÄðÀöÉøåÌ; äÇìÀìåÌ-éÈäÌ.
45 That they might keep His statutes, and observe His laws. {N} Hallelujah.