à äÇìÀìåÌ-éÈäÌ: ëÌÄé-èåÉá, æÇîÌÀøÈä àÁìÉäÅéðåÌ-- ëÌÄé-ðÈòÄéí, ðÈàåÈä úÀäÄìÌÈä.
1 Hallelujah; {N} for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant, and praise is comely.
á áÌåÉðÅä éÀøåÌùÑÈìÇÄí éÀäåÈä; ðÄãÀçÅé éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì éÀëÇðÌÅñ.
2 The LORD doth build up Jerusalem, He gathereth together the dispersed of Israel;
â äÈøÉôÅà, ìÄùÑÀáåÌøÅé ìÅá; åÌîÀçÇáÌÅùÑ, ìÀòÇöÌÀáåÉúÈí.
3 Who healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.
ã îåÉðÆä îÄñÀôÌÈø, ìÇëÌåÉëÈáÄéí; ìÀëËìÌÈí, ùÑÅîåÉú éÄ÷ÀøÈà.
4 He counteth the number of the stars; He giveth them all their names.
ä âÌÈãåÉì àÂãåÉðÅéðåÌ åÀøÇá-ëÌÉçÇ; ìÄúÀáåÌðÈúåÉ, àÅéï îÄñÀôÌÈø.
5 Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite.
å îÀòåÉãÅã òÂðÈåÄéí éÀäåÈä; îÇùÑÀôÌÄéì øÀùÑÈòÄéí òÂãÅé-àÈøÆõ.
6 The LORD upholdeth the humble; He bringeth the wicked down to the ground.
æ òÁðåÌ ìÇéäåÈä áÌÀúåÉãÈä; æÇîÌÀøåÌ ìÅàìÉäÅéðåÌ áÀëÄðÌåÉø.
7 Sing unto the LORD with thanksgiving, sing praises upon the harp unto our God;
ç äÇîÀëÇñÌÆä ùÑÈîÇéÄí, áÌÀòÈáÄéí-- äÇîÌÅëÄéï ìÈàÈøÆõ îÈèÈø; äÇîÌÇöÀîÄéçÇ äÈøÄéí çÈöÄéø.
8 Who covereth the heaven with clouds, who prepareth rain for the earth, {N} who maketh the mountains to spring with grass.
è ðåÉúÅï ìÄáÀäÅîÈä ìÇçÀîÈäÌ; ìÄáÀðÅé òÉøÅá, àÂùÑÆø éÄ÷ÀøÈàåÌ.
9 He giveth to the beast his food, and to the young ravens which cry.
é ìÉà áÄâÀáåÌøÇú äÇñÌåÌñ éÆçÀôÌÈõ; ìÉà-áÀùÑåÉ÷Åé äÈàÄéùÑ éÄøÀöÆä.
10 He delighteth not in the strength of the horse; He taketh no pleasure in the legs of a man.
éà øåÉöÆä éÀäåÈä, àÆú-éÀøÅàÈéå-- àÆú-äÇîÀéÇçÂìÄéí ìÀçÇñÀãÌåÉ.
11 The LORD taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that wait for His mercy.
éá ùÑÇáÌÀçÄé éÀøåÌùÑÈìÇÄí, àÆú-éÀäåÈä; äÇìÀìÄé àÁìÉäÇéÄêÀ öÄéÌåÉï.
12 Glorify the LORD, O Jerusalem; praise thy God, O Zion.
éâ ëÌÄé-çÄæÌÇ÷, áÌÀøÄéçÅé ùÑÀòÈøÈéÄêÀ; áÌÅøÇêÀ áÌÈðÇéÄêÀ áÌÀ÷ÄøÀáÌÅêÀ.
13 For He hath made strong the bars of thy gates; He hath blessed thy children within thee.
éã äÇùÌÒÈí-âÌÀáåÌìÅêÀ ùÑÈìåÉí; çÅìÆá çÄèÌÄéí, éÇùÒÀáÌÄéòÅêÀ.
14 He maketh thy borders peace; He giveth thee in plenty the fat of wheat.
èå äÇùÌÑÉìÅçÇ àÄîÀøÈúåÉ àÈøÆõ; òÇã-îÀäÅøÈä, éÈøåÌõ ãÌÀáÈøåÉ.
15 He sendeth out His commandment upon earth; His word runneth very swiftly.
èæ äÇðÌÉúÅï ùÑÆìÆâ ëÌÇöÌÈîÆø; ëÌÀôåÉø, ëÌÈàÅôÆø éÀôÇæÌÅø.
16 He giveth snow like wool; He scattereth the hoar-frost like ashes.
éæ îÇùÑÀìÄéêÀ ÷ÇøÀçåÉ ëÀôÄúÌÄéí; ìÄôÀðÅé ÷ÈøÈúåÉ, îÄé éÇòÂîÉã.
17 He casteth forth His ice like crumbs; who can stand before His cold?
éç éÄùÑÀìÇç ãÌÀáÈøåÉ åÀéÇîÀñÅí; éÇùÌÑÅá øåÌçåÉ, éÄæÌÀìåÌ-îÈéÄí.
18 He sendeth forth His word, and melteth them; He causeth His wind to blow, and the waters flow.
éè îÇâÌÄéã ãÌÀáÈøÈå ìÀéÇòÂ÷Éá; çË÷ÌÈéå åÌîÄùÑÀôÌÈèÈéå, ìÀéÄùÒÀøÈàÅì.
19 He declareth His word unto Jacob, His statutes and His ordinances unto Israel.
ë ìÉà òÈùÒÈä ëÅï, ìÀëÈì-âÌåÉé-- åÌîÄùÑÀôÌÈèÄéí áÌÇì-éÀãÈòåÌí: äÇìÀìåÌ-éÈäÌ.
20 He hath not dealt so with any nation; and as for His ordinances, they have not known them. {N} Hallelujah.