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1 A Psalm of David. {N} The LORD saith unto my lord: 'Sit thou at My right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.'
á îÇèÌÅä-òËæÌÀêÈ--éÄùÑÀìÇç éÀäåÈä, îÄöÌÄéÌåÉï; øÀãÅä, áÌÀ÷ÆøÆá àÉéÀáÆéêÈ.
2 The rod of Thy strength the LORD will send out of Zion: 'Rule thou in the midst of thine enemies.'
â òÇîÌÀêÈ ðÀãÈáÉú, áÌÀéåÉí çÅéìÆêÈ: áÌÀäÇãÀøÅé-÷ÉãÆùÑ, îÅøÆçÆí îÄùÑÀçÈø; ìÀêÈ, èÇì éÇìÀãËúÆéêÈ.
3 Thy people offer themselves willingly in the day of thy warfare; {N} in adornments of holiness, from the womb of the dawn, thine is the dew of thy youth.
ã ðÄùÑÀáÌÇò éÀäåÈä, åÀìÉà éÄðÌÈçÅí-- àÇúÌÈä-ëÉäÅï ìÀòåÉìÈí; òÇì-ãÌÄáÀøÈúÄé, îÇìÀëÌÄé-öÆãÆ÷.
4 The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent: 'Thou art a priest for ever {N} after the manner of Melchizedek.'
ä àÂãÉðÈé òÇì-éÀîÄéðÀêÈ; îÈçÇõ áÌÀéåÉí-àÇôÌåÉ îÀìÈëÄéí.
5 The Lord at thy right hand doth crush kings in the day of His wrath.
å éÈãÄéï áÌÇâÌåÉéÄí, îÈìÅà âÀåÄéÌåÉú; îÈçÇõ øÉàùÑ, òÇì-àÆøÆõ øÇáÌÈä.
6 He will judge among the nations; He filleth it with dead bodies, He crusheth the head over a wide land.
æ îÄðÌÇçÇì, áÌÇãÌÆøÆêÀ éÄùÑÀúÌÆä; òÇì-ëÌÅï, éÈøÄéí øÉàùÑ.
7 He will drink of the brook in the way; therefore will he lift up the head. {P}