ΰ δΗμΐμεΜ-ιΘδΜ: δΗμΐμεΜ-ΰΕμ αΜΐχΘγΐωΡεΙ; δΗμΐμεΜδεΜ, αΜΔψΐχΔιςΗ ςΛζΜεΙ.
1 Hallelujah. {N} Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in the firmament of His power.
α δΗμΐμεΜδεΜ αΔβΐαεΜψΙϊΘιε; δΗμΐμεΜδεΜ, λΜΐψΙα βΜΛγΐμεΙ.
2 Praise Him for His mighty acts; praise Him according to His abundant greatness.
β δΗμΐμεΜδεΜ, αΜΐϊΕχΗς ωΡεΙτΘψ; δΗμΐμεΜδεΜ, αΜΐπΕαΖμ εΐλΔπΜεΙψ.
3 Praise Him with the blast of the horn; praise Him with the psaltery and harp.
γ δΗμΐμεΜδεΜ, αΜΐϊΙσ εΜξΘηεΙμ; δΗμΐμεΜδεΜ, αΜΐξΔπΜΔιν εΐςΛβΘα.
4 Praise Him with the timbrel and dance; praise Him with stringed instruments and the pipe.
δ δΗμΐμεΜδεΜ αΐφΔμΐφΐμΕι-ωΡΘξΗς; δΗμΐμεΜδεΜ, αΜΐφΔμΐφΐμΕι ϊΐψεΜςΘδ.
5 Praise Him with the loud-sounding cymbals; praise Him with the clanging cymbals.
ε λΜΙμ δΗπΜΐωΡΘξΘδ, ϊΜΐδΗμΜΕμ ιΘδΜ: δΗμΐμεΜ-ιΘδΜ.
6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. {S} Hallelujah. {P}