Bible - Proverbs -
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Proverbs Chapter 6 îÄùÑÀìÅé

à  áÌÀðÄé, àÄí-òÈøÇáÀúÌÈ ìÀøÅòÆêÈ;    úÌÈ÷ÇòÀúÌÈ ìÇæÌÈø ëÌÇôÌÆéêÈ. 1 My son, if thou art become surety for thy neighbour, if thou hast struck thy hands for a stranger--
á  ðåÉ÷ÇùÑÀúÌÈ áÀàÄîÀøÅé-ôÄéêÈ;    ðÄìÀëÌÇãÀúÌÈ, áÌÀàÄîÀøÅé-ôÄéêÈ. 2 Thou art snared by the words of thy mouth, thou art caught by the words of thy mouth--
â  òÂùÒÅä æÉàú àÅôåÉà áÌÀðÄé, åÀäÄðÌÈöÅì--    ëÌÄé áÈàúÈ áÀëÇó-øÅòÆêÈ;
ìÅêÀ äÄúÀøÇôÌÅñ,    åÌøÀäÇá øÅòÆéêÈ.
3 Do this now, my son, and deliver thyself, seeing thou art come into the hand of thy neighbour; {N}
go, humble thyself, and urge thy neighbour.
ã  àÇì-úÌÄúÌÅï ùÑÅðÈä ìÀòÅéðÆéêÈ;    åÌúÀðåÌîÈä, ìÀòÇôÀòÇôÌÆéêÈ. 4 Give not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids.
ä  äÄðÌÈöÅì, ëÌÄöÀáÄé îÄéÌÈã;    åÌëÀöÄôÌåÉø, îÄéÌÇã éÈ÷åÌùÑ. 5 Deliver thyself as a gazelle from the hand [of the hunter], and as a bird from the hand of the fowler. {P}
å  ìÅêÀ-àÆì-ðÀîÈìÈä òÈöÅì;    øÀàÅä ãÀøÈëÆéäÈ åÇçÂëÈí. 6 Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise;
æ  àÂùÑÆø àÅéï-ìÈäÌ ÷ÈöÄéï--    ùÑÉèÅø åÌîÉùÑÅì. 7 Which having no chief, overseer, or ruler,
ç  úÌÈëÄéï áÌÇ÷ÌÇéÄõ ìÇçÀîÈäÌ;    àÈâÀøÈä áÇ÷ÌÈöÄéø, îÇàÂëÈìÈäÌ. 8 Provideth her bread in the summer, and gatherest her food in the harvest.
è  òÇã-îÈúÇé òÈöÅì úÌÄùÑÀëÌÈá;    îÈúÇé, úÌÈ÷åÌí îÄùÌÑÀðÈúÆêÈ. 9 How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? When wilt thou arise out of thy sleep?
é  îÀòÇè ùÑÅðåÉú, îÀòÇè úÌÀðåÌîåÉú;    îÀòÇè, çÄáÌË÷ éÈãÇéÄí ìÄùÑÀëÌÈá. 10 'Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep'--
éà  åÌáÈà-ëÄîÀäÇìÌÅêÀ øÅàùÑÆêÈ;    åÌîÇçÀñÉøÀêÈ, ëÌÀàÄéùÑ îÈâÅï. 11 So shall thy poverty come as a runner, and thy want as an armed man. {P}
éá  àÈãÈí áÌÀìÄéÌÇòÇì, àÄéùÑ àÈåÆï;    äåÉìÅêÀ, òÄ÷ÌÀùÑåÌú ôÌÆä. 12 A base person, a man of iniquity, is he that walketh with a froward mouth;
éâ  ÷ÉøÅõ áÌÀòÅéðÈå, îÉìÅì áÌÀøÇâÀìÈå;    îÉøÆä, áÌÀàÆöÀáÌÀòÉúÈéå. 13 That winketh with his eyes, that scrapeth with his feet, that pointeth with his fingers;
éã  úÌÇäÀôÌËëåÉú, áÌÀìÄáÌåÉ--çÉøÅùÑ øÈò áÌÀëÈì-òÅú;    îãðéí (îÄãÀéÈðÄéí) éÀùÑÇìÌÅçÇ. 14 Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth evil continually; he soweth discord.
èå  òÇì-ëÌÅï--ôÌÄúÀàÉí, éÈáåÉà àÅéãåÉ;    ôÌÆúÇò éÄùÌÑÈáÅø, åÀàÅéï îÇøÀôÌÅà. 15 Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; on a sudden shall he be broken, and that without remedy. {P}
èæ  ùÑÆùÑ-äÅðÌÈä, ùÒÈðÅà éÀäåÈä;    åÀùÑÆáÇò, úåòáåú (úÌåÉòÂáÇú) ðÇôÀùÑåÉ. 16 There are six things which the LORD hateth, yea, seven which are an abomination unto Him:
éæ  òÅéðÇéÄí øÈîåÉú, ìÀùÑåÉï ùÑÈ÷Æø;    åÀéÈãÇéÄí, ùÑÉôÀëåÉú ãÌÈí-ðÈ÷Äé. 17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood;
éç  ìÅá--çÉøÅùÑ, îÇçÀùÑÀáåÉú àÈåÆï;    øÇâÀìÇéÄí îÀîÇäÂøåÉú, ìÈøåÌõ ìÈøÈòÈä. 18 A heart that deviseth wicked thoughts, feet that are swift in running to evil;
éè  éÈôÄéçÇ ëÌÀæÈáÄéí, òÅã ùÑÈ÷Æø;    åÌîÀùÑÇìÌÅçÇ îÀãÈðÄéí, áÌÅéï àÇçÄéí. 19 A false witness that breatheth out lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. {P}
ë  ðÀöÉø áÌÀðÄé, îÄöÀåÇú àÈáÄéêÈ;    åÀàÇì-úÌÄèÌÉùÑ, úÌåÉøÇú àÄîÌÆêÈ. 20 My son, keep the commandment of thy father, and forsake not the teaching of thy mother;
ëà  ÷ÈùÑÀøÅí òÇì-ìÄáÌÀêÈ úÈîÄéã;    òÈðÀãÅí, òÇì-âÌÇøÀâÌÀøÉúÆêÈ. 21 Bind them continually upon thy heart, tie them about thy neck.
ëá  áÌÀäÄúÀäÇìÌÆëÀêÈ, úÌÇðÀçÆä àÉúÈêÀ--    áÌÀùÑÈëÀáÌÀêÈ, úÌÄùÑÀîÉø òÈìÆéêÈ;
åÇäÂ÷ÄéöåÉúÈ,    äÄéà úÀùÒÄéçÆêÈ.
22 When thou walkest, it shall lead thee, when thou liest down, it shall watch over thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee.
ëâ  ëÌÄé ðÅø îÄöÀåÈä, åÀúåÉøÈä àåÉø;    åÀãÆøÆêÀ çÇéÌÄéí, úÌåÉëÀçåÉú îåÌñÈø. 23 For the commandment is a lamp, and the teaching is light, and reproofs of instruction are the way of life;
ëã  ìÄùÑÀîÈøÀêÈ, îÅàÅùÑÆú øÈò;    îÅçÆìÀ÷Çú, ìÈùÑåÉï ðÈëÀøÄéÌÈä. 24 To keep thee from the evil woman, from the smoothness of the alien tongue.
ëä  àÇì-úÌÇçÀîÉã éÈôÀéÈäÌ, áÌÄìÀáÈáÆêÈ;    åÀàÇì-úÌÄ÷ÌÈçÂêÈ, áÌÀòÇôÀòÇôÌÆéäÈ. 25 Lust not after her beauty in thy heart; neither let her captivate thee with her eyelids.
ëå  ëÌÄé áÀòÇã-àÄùÌÑÈä æåÉðÈä,    òÇã-ëÌÄëÌÇø-ìÈçÆí:
åÀàÅùÑÆú àÄéùÑ--    ðÆôÆùÑ éÀ÷ÈøÈä úÈöåÌã.
26 For on account of a harlot a man is brought to a loaf of bread, but the adulteress hunteth for the precious life. {P}
ëæ  äÂéÇçÀúÌÆä àÄéùÑ àÅùÑ áÌÀçÅé÷åÉ;    åÌáÀâÈãÈéå, ìÉà úÄùÌÒÈøÇôÀðÈä. 27 Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?
ëç  àÄí-éÀäÇìÌÅêÀ àÄéùÑ, òÇì-äÇâÌÆçÈìÄéí;    åÀøÇâÀìÈéå, ìÉà úÄëÌÈåÆéðÈä. 28 Or can one walk upon hot coals, and his feet not be scorched?
ëè  ëÌÅï--äÇáÌÈà, àÆì-àÅùÑÆú øÅòÅäåÌ:    ìÉà-éÄðÌÈ÷Æä, ëÌÈì-äÇðÌÉâÅòÇ áÌÈäÌ. 29 So he that goeth in to his neighbour's wife; whosoever toucheth her shall not go unpunished.
ì  ìÉà-éÈáåÌæåÌ ìÇâÌÇðÌÈá, ëÌÄé éÄâÀðåÉá--    ìÀîÇìÌÅà ðÇôÀùÑåÉ, ëÌÄé éÄøÀòÈá. 30 Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry;
ìà  åÀðÄîÀöÈà, éÀùÑÇìÌÅí ùÑÄáÀòÈúÈéÄí:    àÆú-ëÌÈì-äåÉï áÌÅéúåÉ éÄúÌÅï. 31 But if he be found, he must restore sevenfold, he must give all the substance of his house.
ìá  ðÉàÅó àÄùÌÑÈä çÂñÇø-ìÅá;    îÇùÑÀçÄéú ðÇôÀùÑåÉ, äåÌà éÇòÂùÒÆðÌÈä. 32 He that committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding; he doeth it that would destroy his own soul.
ìâ  ðÆâÇò-åÀ÷ÈìåÉï éÄîÀöÈà;    åÀçÆøÀôÌÈúåÉ, ìÉà úÄîÌÈçÆä. 33 Wounds and dishonour shall he get, and his reproach shall not be wiped away.
ìã  ëÌÄé-÷ÄðÀàÈä çÂîÇú-âÌÈáÆø;    åÀìÉà-éÇçÀîåÉì, áÌÀéåÉí ðÈ÷Èí. 34 For jealousy is the rage of a man, and he will not spare in the day of vengeance.
ìä  ìÉà-éÄùÌÒÈà, ôÌÀðÅé ëÈì-ëÌÉôÆø;    åÀìÉà-éÉàáÆä, ëÌÄé úÇøÀáÌÆä-ùÑÉçÇã. 35 He will not regard any ransom; neither will he rest content, though thou givest many gifts. {P}

Bible - Proverbs -
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31