Bible - Proverbs -
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Proverbs Chapter 23 îÄùÑÀìÅé

à  ëÌÄé-úÅùÑÅá, ìÄìÀçåÉí àÆú-îåÉùÑÅì--    áÌÄéï úÌÈáÄéï, àÆú-àÂùÑÆø ìÀôÈðÆéêÈ. 1 When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, consider well him that is before thee;
á  åÀùÒÇîÀúÌÈ ùÒÇëÌÄéï áÌÀìÉòÆêÈ--    àÄí-áÌÇòÇì ðÆôÆùÑ àÈúÌÈä. 2 And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite.
â  àÇì-úÌÄúÀàÈå, ìÀîÇèÀòÇîÌåÉúÈéå;    åÀäåÌà, ìÆçÆí ëÌÀæÈáÄéí. 3 Be not desirous of his dainties; seeing they are deceitful food.
ã  àÇì-úÌÄéâÇò ìÀäÇòÂùÑÄéø;    îÄáÌÄéðÈúÀêÈ çÂãÈì. 4 Weary not thyself to be rich; cease from thine own wisdom.
ä  äúòåó (äÂúÈòÄéó) òÅéðÆéêÈ áÌåÉ,    åÀàÅéðÆðÌåÌ:
ëÌÄé òÈùÒÉä éÇòÂùÒÆä-ìÌåÉ ëÀðÈôÇéÄí;    ëÌÀðÆùÑÆø, åòéó (éÈòåÌó) äÇùÌÑÈîÈéÄí.
5 Wilt thou set thine eyes upon it? it is gone; {N}
for riches certainly make themselves wings, like an eagle that flieth toward heaven. {P}
å  àÇì-úÌÄìÀçÇí--àÆú-ìÆçÆí, øÇò òÈéÄï;    åÀàÇì-úÌÄúÀàÈå, ìÀîÇèÀòÇîÌÉúÈéå. 6 Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainties;
æ  ëÌÄé, ëÌÀîåÉ ùÑÈòÇø áÌÀðÇôÀùÑåÉ--    ëÌÆï-äåÌà:
àÁëåÉì åÌùÑÀúÅä, éÉàîÇø ìÈêÀ;    åÀìÄáÌåÉ, áÌÇì-òÄîÌÈêÀ.
7 For as one that hath reckoned within himself, so is he: {N}
'Eat and drink', saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.
ç  ôÌÄúÌÀêÈ-àÈëÇìÀúÌÈ úÀ÷ÄéàÆðÌÈä;    åÀùÑÄçÇúÌÈ, ãÌÀáÈøÆéêÈ äÇðÌÀòÄéîÄéí. 8 The morsel which thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up, and lose thy sweet words.
è  áÌÀàÈæÀðÅé ëÀñÄéì, àÇì-úÌÀãÇáÌÅø:    ëÌÄé-éÈáåÌæ, ìÀùÒÅëÆì îÄìÌÆéêÈ. 9 Speak not in the ears of a fool; for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.
é  àÇì-úÌÇñÌÅâ, âÌÀáåÌì òåÉìÈí;    åÌáÄùÒÀãÅé éÀúåÉîÄéí, àÇì-úÌÈáÉà. 10 Remove not the ancient landmark; and enter not into the fields of the fatherless;
éà  ëÌÄé-âÉàÂìÈí çÈæÈ÷;    äåÌà-éÈøÄéá àÆú-øÄéáÈí àÄúÌÈêÀ. 11 For their Redeemer is strong; He will plead their cause with thee.
éá  äÈáÄéàÈä ìÇîÌåÌñÈø ìÄáÌÆêÈ;    åÀàÈæÀðÆêÈ, ìÀàÄîÀøÅé-ãÈòÇú. 12 Apply thy heart unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge.
éâ  àÇì-úÌÄîÀðÇò îÄðÌÇòÇø îåÌñÈø:    ëÌÄé-úÇëÌÆðÌåÌ áÇùÌÑÅáÆè, ìÉà éÈîåÌú. 13 Withhold not correction from the child; for though thou beat him with the rod, he will not die.
éã  àÇúÌÈä, áÌÇùÌÑÅáÆè úÌÇëÌÆðÌåÌ;    åÀðÇôÀùÑåÉ, îÄùÌÑÀàåÉì úÌÇöÌÄéì. 14 Thou beatest him with the rod, and wilt deliver his soul from the nether-world.
èå  áÌÀðÄé, àÄí-çÈëÇí ìÄáÌÆêÈ--    éÄùÒÀîÇç ìÄáÌÄé âÇí-àÈðÄé. 15 My son, if thy heart be wise, my heart will be glad, even mine;
èæ  åÀúÇòÀìÉæÀðÈä ëÄìÀéåÉúÈé--    áÌÀãÇáÌÅø ùÒÀôÈúÆéêÈ, îÅéùÑÈøÄéí. 16 Yea, my reins will rejoice, when thy lips speak right things.
éæ  àÇì-éÀ÷ÇðÌÅà ìÄáÌÀêÈ, áÌÇçÇèÌÈàÄéí:    ëÌÄé àÄí-áÌÀéÄøÀàÇú-éÀäåÈä, ëÌÈì-äÇéÌåÉí. 17 Let not thy heart envy sinners, but be in the fear of the LORD all the day;
éç  ëÌÄé, àÄí-éÅùÑ àÇçÂøÄéú;    åÀúÄ÷ÀåÈúÀêÈ, ìÉà úÄëÌÈøÅú. 18 For surely there is a future; and thy hope shall not be cut off.
éè  ùÑÀîÇò-àÇúÌÈä áÀðÄé åÇçÂëÈí;    åÀàÇùÌÑÅø áÌÇãÌÆøÆêÀ ìÄáÌÆêÈ. 19 Hear thou, my son, and be wise, and guide thy heart in the way.
ë  àÇì-úÌÀäÄé áÀñÉáÀàÅé-éÈéÄï--    áÌÀæÉìÀìÅé áÈùÒÈø ìÈîåÉ. 20 Be not among winebibbers; among gluttonous eaters of flesh;
ëà  ëÌÄé-ñÉáÅà åÀæåÉìÅì, éÄåÌÈøÅùÑ;    åÌ÷ÀøÈòÄéí, úÌÇìÀáÌÄéùÑ ðåÌîÈä. 21 For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty; and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.
ëá  ùÑÀîÇò ìÀàÈáÄéêÈ, æÆä éÀìÈãÆêÈ;    åÀàÇì-úÌÈáåÌæ, ëÌÄé-æÈ÷ÀðÈä àÄîÌÆêÈ. 22 Hearken unto thy father that begot thee, and despise not thy mother when she is old.
ëâ  àÁîÆú ÷ÀðÅä, åÀàÇì-úÌÄîÀëÌÉø;    çÈëÀîÈä åÌîåÌñÈø åÌáÄéðÈä. 23 Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.
ëã  âåì (âÌÄéì) éÈâÄéì, àÂáÄé öÇãÌÄé÷;    éåìã (åÀéåÉìÅã) çÈëÈí, åéùîç- (éÄùÒÀîÇç-) áÌåÉ. 24 The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice; and he that begetteth a wise child will have joy of him.
ëä  éÄùÒÀîÇç-àÈáÄéêÈ åÀàÄîÌÆêÈ;    åÀúÈâÅì, éåÉìÇãÀúÌÆêÈ. 25 Let thy father and thy mother be glad, and let her that bore thee rejoice.
ëå  úÌÀðÈä-áÀðÄé ìÄáÌÀêÈ ìÄé;    åÀòÅéðÆéêÈ, ãÌÀøÈëÇé úøöðä (úÌÄöÌÉøÀðÈä). 26 My son, give me thy heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways.
ëæ  ëÌÄé-ùÑåÌçÈä òÂîË÷ÌÈä æåÉðÈä;    åÌáÀàÅø öÈøÈä, ðÈëÀøÄéÌÈä. 27 For a harlot is a deep ditch; and an alien woman is a narrow pit.
ëç  àÇó-äÄéà, ëÌÀçÆúÆó úÌÆàÁøÉá;    åÌáåÉâÀãÄéí, áÌÀàÈãÈí úÌåÉñÄó. 28 She also lieth in wait as a robber, and increaseth the faithless among men.
ëè  ìÀîÄé àåÉé ìÀîÄé àÂáåÉé, ìÀîÄé îãåðéí (îÄãÀéÈðÄéí) ìÀîÄé ùÒÄéçÇ--    ìÀîÄé, ôÌÀöÈòÄéí çÄðÌÈí;
ìÀîÄé,    çÇëÀìÄìåÌú òÅéðÈéÄí.
29 Who crieth: 'Woe'? who: 'Alas'? who hath contentions? who hath raving? who hath wounds without cause? {N}
who hath redness of eyes?
ì  ìÇîÀàÇçÂøÄéí òÇì-äÇéÌÈéÄï--    ìÇáÌÈàÄéí, ìÇçÀ÷Éø îÄîÀñÈêÀ. 30 They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to try mixed wine.
ìà  àÇì-úÌÅøÆà éÇéÄï, ëÌÄé éÄúÀàÇãÌÈí:    ëÌÄé-éÄúÌÅï áëéñ (áÌÇëÌåÉñ) òÅéðåÉ; éÄúÀäÇìÌÅêÀ, áÌÀîÅéùÑÈøÄéí. 31 Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth its colour in the cup, when it glideth down smoothly;
ìá  àÇçÂøÄéúåÉ, ëÌÀðÈçÈùÑ éÄùÌÑÈêÀ;    åÌëÀöÄôÀòÉðÄé éÇôÀøÄùÑ. 32 At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like a basilisk.
ìâ  òÅéðÆéêÈ, éÄøÀàåÌ æÈøåÉú;    åÀìÄáÌÀêÈ, éÀãÇáÌÅø úÌÇäÀôÌËëåÉú. 33 Thine eyes shall behold strange things, and thy heart shall utter confused things.
ìã  åÀäÈéÄéúÈ, ëÌÀùÑÉëÅá áÌÀìÆá-éÈí;    åÌëÀùÑÉëÅá, áÌÀøÉàùÑ çÄáÌÅì. 34 Yea, thou shalt be as he that lieth down in the midst of the sea, or as he that lieth upon the top of a mast.
ìä  äÄëÌåÌðÄé áÇì-çÈìÄéúÄé--    äÂìÈîåÌðÄé, áÌÇì-éÈãÈòÀúÌÄé:
îÈúÇé àÈ÷Äéõ;    àåÉñÄéó, àÂáÇ÷ÀùÑÆðÌåÌ òåÉã.
35 'They have struck me, and I felt it not, they have beaten me, and I knew it not; {N}
when shall I awake? I will seek it yet again.'

Bible - Proverbs -
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31