Bible - Proverbs -
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Proverbs Chapter 13 îÄùÑÀìÅé

à  áÌÅï çÈëÈí, îåÌñÇø àÈá;    åÀìÅõ, ìÉà-ùÑÈîÇò âÌÀòÈøÈä. 1 A wise son is instructed of his father; but a scorner heareth not rebuke.
á  îÄôÌÀøÄé ôÄé-àÄéùÑ, éÉàëÇì èåÉá;    åÀðÆôÆùÑ áÌÉâÀãÄéí çÈîÈñ. 2 A man shall eat good from the fruit of his mouth; but the desire of the faithless is violence.
â  ðÉöÅø ôÌÄéå, ùÑÉîÅø ðÇôÀùÑåÉ;    ôÌÉùÒÅ÷ ùÒÀôÈúÈéå, îÀçÄúÌÈä-ìåÉ. 3 He that guardeth his mouth keepeth his life; but for him that openeth wide his lips there shall be ruin.
ã  îÄúÀàÇåÌÈä åÈàÇéÄï, ðÇôÀùÑåÉ òÈöÅì;    åÀðÆôÆùÑ çÈøËöÄéí úÌÀãËùÌÑÈï. 4 The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing; but the soul of the diligent shall be abundantly gratified.
ä  ãÌÀáÇø-ùÑÆ÷Æø, éÄùÒÀðÈà öÇãÌÄé÷;    åÀøÈùÑÈò, éÇáÀàÄéùÑ åÀéÇçÀôÌÄéø. 5 A righteous man hateth lying; but a wicked man behaveth vilely and shamefully.
å  öÀãÈ÷Èä, úÌÄöÌÉø úÌÈí-ãÌÈøÆêÀ;    åÀøÄùÑÀòÈä, úÌÀñÇìÌÅó çÇèÌÈàú. 6 Righteousness guardeth him that is upright in the way; but wickedness overthroweth the sinner.
æ  éÅùÑ îÄúÀòÇùÌÑÅø, åÀàÅéï ëÌÉì;    îÄúÀøåÉùÑÅùÑ, åÀäåÉï øÈá. 7 There is that pretendeth himself rich, yet hath nothing; there is that pretendeth himself poor, yet hath great wealth.
ç  ëÌÉôÆø ðÆôÆùÑ-àÄéùÑ òÈùÑÀøåÉ;    åÀøÈùÑ, ìÉà-ùÑÈîÇò âÌÀòÈøÈä. 8 The ransom of a man's life are his riches; but the poor heareth no threatening.
è  àåÉø-öÇãÌÄé÷Äéí éÄùÒÀîÈç;    åÀðÅø øÀùÑÈòÄéí éÄãÀòÈêÀ. 9 The light of the righteous rejoiceth; but the lamp of the wicked shall be put out.
é  øÇ÷-áÌÀæÈãåÉï, éÄúÌÅï îÇöÌÈä;    åÀàÆú-ðåÉòÈöÄéí çÈëÀîÈä. 10 By pride cometh only contention; but with the well-advised is wisdom.
éà  äåÉï, îÅäÆáÆì éÄîÀòÈè;    åÀ÷ÉáÅõ òÇì-éÈã éÇøÀáÌÆä. 11 Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished; but he that gathereth little by little shall increase.
éá  úÌåÉçÆìÆú îÀîËùÌÑÈëÈä, îÇçÂìÈä-ìÅá;    åÀòÅõ çÇéÌÄéí, úÌÇàÂåÈä áÈàÈä. 12 Hope deferred maketh the heart sick; but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.
éâ  áÌÈæ ìÀãÈáÈø, éÅçÈáÆì ìåÉ;    åÄéøÅà îÄöÀåÈä, äåÌà éÀùÑËìÌÈí. 13 Whoso despiseth the word shall suffer thereby; but he that feareth the commandment shall be rewarded.
éã  úÌåÉøÇú çÈëÈí, îÀ÷åÉø çÇéÌÄéí--    ìÈñåÌø, îÄîÌÉ÷ÀùÑÅé îÈåÆú. 14 The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.
èå  ùÒÅëÆì-èåÉá, éÄúÌÆï-çÅï;    åÀãÆøÆêÀ áÌÉâÀãÄéí àÅéúÈï. 15 Good understanding giveth grace; but the way of the faithless is harsh.
èæ  ëÌÈì-òÈøåÌí, éÇòÂùÒÆä áÀãÈòÇú;    åÌëÀñÄéì, éÄôÀøÉùÒ àÄåÌÆìÆú. 16 Every prudent man dealeth with forethought; but a fool unfoldeth folly.
éæ  îÇìÀàÈêÀ øÈùÑÈò, éÄôÌÉì áÌÀøÈò;    åÀöÄéø àÁîåÌðÄéí îÇøÀôÌÅà. 17 A wicked messenger falleth into evil; but a faithful ambassador is health.
éç  øÅéùÑ åÀ÷ÈìåÉï, ôÌåÉøÅòÇ îåÌñÈø;    åÀùÑÉîÅø úÌåÉëÇçÇú éÀëËáÌÈã. 18 Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction; but he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured.
éè  úÌÇàÂåÈä ðÄäÀéÈä, úÌÆòÁøÇá ìÀðÈôÆùÑ;    åÀúåÉòÂáÇú ëÌÀñÄéìÄéí, ñåÌø îÅøÈò. 19 The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul; and it is an abomination to fools to depart from evil.
ë  äìåê (äåÉìÅêÀ) àÆú-çÂëÈîÄéí åçëí (éÆçÀëÌÈí);    åÀøÉòÆä ëÀñÄéìÄéí éÅøåÉòÇ. 20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise; but the companion of fools shall smart for it.
ëà  çÇèÌÈàÄéí, úÌÀøÇãÌÅó øÈòÈä;    åÀàÆú-öÇãÌÄé÷Äéí, éÀùÑÇìÌÆí-èåÉá. 21 Evil pursueth sinners; but to the righteous good shall be repaid.
ëá  èåÉá--éÇðÀçÄéì áÌÀðÅé-áÈðÄéí;    åÀöÈôåÌï ìÇöÌÇãÌÄé÷, çÅéì çåÉèÅà. 22 A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children; and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the righteous.
ëâ  øÈá-àÉëÆì, ðÄéø øÈàùÑÄéí;    åÀéÅùÑ ðÄñÀôÌÆä, áÌÀìÉà îÄùÑÀôÌÈè. 23 Much food is in the tillage of the poor; but there is that is swept away by want of righteousness.
ëã  çåÉùÒÅêÀ ùÑÄáÀèåÉ, ùÒåÉðÅà áÀðåÉ;    åÀàÉäÂáåÉ, ùÑÄçÂøåÉ îåÌñÈø. 24 He that spareth his rod hateth his son; but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.
ëä  öÇãÌÄé÷--àÉëÅì, ìÀùÒÉáÇò ðÇôÀùÑåÉ;    åÌáÆèÆï øÀùÑÈòÄéí úÌÆçÀñÈø. 25 The righteous eateth to the satisfying of his desire; but the belly of the wicked shall want.

Bible - Proverbs -
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31