Bible - Isaiah -
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66

Isaiah Chapter 1 éÀùÑÇòÀéÈäåÌ

à  çÂæåÉï, éÀùÑÇòÀéÈäåÌ áÆï-àÈîåÉõ, àÂùÑÆø çÈæÈä, òÇì-éÀäåÌãÈä åÄéøåÌùÑÈìÈÄí--áÌÄéîÅé òËæÌÄéÌÈäåÌ éåÉúÈí àÈçÈæ éÀçÄæÀ÷ÄéÌÈäåÌ, îÇìÀëÅé éÀäåÌãÈä. 1 The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.
á  ùÑÄîÀòåÌ ùÑÈîÇéÄí åÀäÇàÂæÄéðÄé àÆøÆõ, ëÌÄé éÀäåÈä ãÌÄáÌÅø:  áÌÈðÄéí âÌÄãÌÇìÀúÌÄé åÀøåÉîÇîÀúÌÄé, åÀäÅí ôÌÈùÑÀòåÌ áÄé. 2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth, for the LORD hath spoken: Children I have reared, and brought up, and they have rebelled against Me.
â  éÈãÇò ùÑåÉø ÷ÉðÅäåÌ, åÇçÂîåÉø àÅáåÌñ áÌÀòÈìÈéå; éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì ìÉà éÈãÇò, òÇîÌÄé ìÉà äÄúÀáÌåÉðÈï. 3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib; but Israel doth not know, My people doth not consider.
ã  äåÉé âÌåÉé çÉèÅà, òÇí ëÌÆáÆã òÈå‍Éï--æÆøÇò îÀøÅòÄéí, áÌÈðÄéí îÇùÑÀçÄéúÄéí; òÈæÀáåÌ àÆú-éÀäåÈä, ðÄàÂöåÌ àÆú-÷ÀãåÉùÑ éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì--ðÈæÉøåÌ àÈçåÉø. 4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evil-doers, children that deal corruptly; they have forsaken the LORD, they have contemned the Holy One of Israel, they are turned away backward.
ä  òÇì îÆä úËëÌåÌ òåÉã, úÌåÉñÄéôåÌ ñÈøÈä; ëÌÈì-øÉàùÑ ìÈçÃìÄé, åÀëÈì-ìÅáÈá ãÌÇåÌÈé. 5 On what part will ye yet be stricken, seeing ye stray away more and more? The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint;
å  îÄëÌÇó-øÆâÆì åÀòÇã-øÉàùÑ àÅéï-áÌåÉ îÀúÉí, ôÌÆöÇò åÀçÇáÌåÌøÈä åÌîÇëÌÈä èÀøÄéÌÈä; ìÉà-æÉøåÌ åÀìÉà çËáÌÈùÑåÌ, åÀìÉà øËëÌÀëÈä áÌÇùÌÑÈîÆï. 6 From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and festering sores: they have not been pressed, neither bound up, neither mollified with oil.
æ  àÇøÀöÀëÆí ùÑÀîÈîÈä, òÈøÅéëÆí ùÒÀøËôåÉú àÅùÑ; àÇãÀîÇúÀëÆí, ìÀðÆâÀãÌÀëÆí æÈøÄéí àÉëÀìÄéí àÉúÈäÌ, åÌùÑÀîÈîÈä, ëÌÀîÇäÀôÌÅëÇú æÈøÄéí. 7 Your country is desolate; your cities are burned with fire; your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by floods.
ç  åÀðåÉúÀøÈä áÇú-öÄéÌåÉï, ëÌÀñËëÌÈä áÀëÈøÆí; ëÌÄîÀìåÌðÈä áÀîÄ÷ÀùÑÈä, ëÌÀòÄéø ðÀöåÌøÈä. 8 And the daughter of Zion is left as a booth in a vineyard, as a lodge in a garden of cucumbers, as a besieged city.
è  ìåÌìÅé éÀäåÈä öÀáÈàåÉú, äåÉúÄéø ìÈðåÌ ùÒÈøÄéã ëÌÄîÀòÈè--ëÌÄñÀãÉí äÈéÄéðåÌ, ìÇòÂîÉøÈä ãÌÈîÄéðåÌ.  {ô} 9 Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, we should have been like unto Gomorrah. {P}
é  ùÑÄîÀòåÌ ãÀáÇø-éÀäåÈä, ÷ÀöÄéðÅé ñÀãÉí; äÇàÂæÄéðåÌ úÌåÉøÇú àÁìÉäÅéðåÌ, òÇí òÂîÉøÈä. 10 Hear the word of the LORD, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah.
éà  ìÈîÌÈä-ìÌÄé øÉá-æÄáÀçÅéëÆí éÉàîÇø éÀäåÈä, ùÒÈáÇòÀúÌÄé òÉìåÉú àÅéìÄéí åÀçÅìÆá îÀøÄéàÄéí; åÀãÇí ôÌÈøÄéí åÌëÀáÈùÒÄéí åÀòÇúÌåÌãÄéí, ìÉà çÈôÈöÀúÌÄé. 11 To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto Me? saith the LORD; I am full of the burnt-offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he-goats.
éá  ëÌÄé úÈáÉàåÌ, ìÅøÈàåÉú ôÌÈðÈé--îÄé-áÄ÷ÌÅùÑ æÉàú îÄéÌÆãÀëÆí, øÀîÉñ çÂöÅøÈé. 12 When ye come to appear before Me, who hath required this at your hand, to trample My courts?
éâ  ìÉà úåÉñÄéôåÌ, äÈáÄéà îÄðÀçÇú-ùÑÈåÀà--÷ÀèÉøÆú úÌåÉòÅáÈä äÄéà, ìÄé; çÉãÆùÑ åÀùÑÇáÌÈú ÷ÀøÉà îÄ÷ÀøÈà, ìÉà-àåÌëÇì àÈåÆï åÇòÂöÈøÈä. 13 Bring no more vain oblations; it is an offering of abomination unto Me; new moon and sabbath, the holding of convocations--I cannot endure iniquity along with the solemn assembly.
éã  çÈãÀùÑÅéëÆí åÌîåÉòÂãÅéëÆí ùÒÈðÀàÈä ðÇôÀùÑÄé, äÈéåÌ òÈìÇé ìÈèÉøÇç; ðÄìÀàÅéúÄé, ðÀùÒÉà. 14 Your new moons and your appointed seasons My soul hateth; they are a burden unto Me; I am weary to bear them.
èå  åÌáÀôÈøÄùÒÀëÆí ëÌÇôÌÅéëÆí, àÇòÀìÄéí òÅéðÇé îÄëÌÆí--âÌÇí ëÌÄé-úÇøÀáÌåÌ úÀôÄìÌÈä, àÅéðÆðÌÄé ùÑÉîÅòÇ:  éÀãÅéëÆí, ãÌÈîÄéí îÈìÅàåÌ. 15 And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide Mine eyes from you; yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear; your hands are full of blood.
èæ  øÇçÂöåÌ, äÄæÌÇëÌåÌ--äÈñÄéøåÌ øÉòÇ îÇòÇìÀìÅéëÆí, îÄðÌÆâÆã òÅéðÈé:  çÄãÀìåÌ, äÈøÅòÇ. 16 Wash you, make you clean, put away the evil of your doings from before Mine eyes, cease to do evil;
éæ  ìÄîÀãåÌ äÅéèÅá ãÌÄøÀùÑåÌ îÄùÑÀôÌÈè, àÇùÌÑÀøåÌ çÈîåÉõ; ùÑÄôÀèåÌ éÈúåÉí, øÄéáåÌ àÇìÀîÈðÈä.  {ñ} 17 Learn to do well; seek justice, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. {S}
éç  ìÀëåÌ-ðÈà åÀðÄåÌÈëÀçÈä, éÉàîÇø éÀäåÈä; àÄí-éÄäÀéåÌ çÂèÈàÅéëÆí ëÌÇùÌÑÈðÄéí ëÌÇùÌÑÆìÆâ éÇìÀáÌÄéðåÌ, àÄí-éÇàÀãÌÄéîåÌ ëÇúÌåÉìÈò ëÌÇöÌÆîÆø éÄäÀéåÌ. 18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD; though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
éè  àÄí-úÌÉàáåÌ, åÌùÑÀîÇòÀúÌÆí--èåÌá äÈàÈøÆõ, úÌÉàëÅìåÌ. 19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land;
ë  åÀàÄí-úÌÀîÈàÂðåÌ, åÌîÀøÄéúÆí--çÆøÆá úÌÀàËëÌÀìåÌ, ëÌÄé ôÌÄé éÀäåÈä ãÌÄáÌÅø.  {ô} 20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword; for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken. {P}
ëà  àÅéëÈä äÈéÀúÈä ìÀæåÉðÈä, ÷ÄøÀéÈä ðÆàÁîÈðÈä; îÀìÅàÂúÄé îÄùÑÀôÌÈè, öÆãÆ÷ éÈìÄéï áÌÈäÌ--åÀòÇúÌÈä îÀøÇöÌÀçÄéí. 21 How is the faithful city become a harlot! She that was full of justice, righteousness lodged in her, but now murderers.
ëá  ëÌÇñÀôÌÅêÀ, äÈéÈä ìÀñÄéâÄéí; ñÈáÀàÅêÀ, îÈäåÌì áÌÇîÌÈéÄí. 22 Thy silver is become dross, thy wine mixed with water.
ëâ  ùÒÈøÇéÄêÀ ñåÉøÀøÄéí, åÀçÇáÀøÅé âÌÇðÌÈáÄéí--ëÌËìÌåÉ àÉäÅá ùÑÉçÇã, åÀøÉãÅó ùÑÇìÀîÉðÄéí; éÈúåÉí ìÉà éÄùÑÀôÌÉèåÌ, åÀøÄéá àÇìÀîÈðÈä ìÉà-éÈáåÉà àÂìÅéäÆí.  {ñ} 23 Thy princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves; every one loveth bribes, and followeth after rewards; they judge not the fatherless, neither doth the cause of the widow come unto them. {S}
ëã  ìÈëÅï, ðÀàËí äÈàÈãåÉï éÀäåÈä öÀáÈàåÉú--àÂáÄéø, éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì:  äåÉé àÆðÌÈçÅí îÄöÌÈøÇé, åÀàÄðÌÈ÷ÀîÈä îÅàåÉéÀáÈé. 24 Therefore saith the Lord, the LORD of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel: Ah, I will ease Me of Mine adversaries, and avenge Me of Mine enemies;
ëä  åÀàÈùÑÄéáÈä éÈãÄé òÈìÇéÄêÀ, åÀàÆöÀøÉó ëÌÇáÌÉø ñÄéâÈéÄêÀ; åÀàÈñÄéøÈä, ëÌÈì-áÌÀãÄéìÈéÄêÀ. 25 And I will turn My hand upon thee, and purge away thy dross as with lye, and will take away all thine alloy;
ëå  åÀàÈùÑÄéáÈä ùÑÉôÀèÇéÄêÀ ëÌÀáÈøÄàùÑÉðÈä, åÀéÉòÂöÇéÄêÀ ëÌÀáÇúÌÀçÄìÌÈä; àÇçÂøÅé-ëÅï, éÄ÷ÌÈøÅà ìÈêÀ òÄéø äÇöÌÆãÆ÷--÷ÄøÀéÈä, ðÆàÁîÈðÈä. 26 And I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counsellors as at the beginning; afterward thou shalt be called the city of righteousness, the faithful city.
ëæ  öÄéÌåÉï, áÌÀîÄùÑÀôÌÈè úÌÄôÌÈãÆä; åÀùÑÈáÆéäÈ, áÌÄöÀãÈ÷Èä. 27 Zion shall be redeemed with justice, and they that return of her with righteousness.
ëç  åÀùÑÆáÆø ôÌÉùÑÀòÄéí åÀçÇèÌÈàÄéí, éÇçÀãÌÈå; åÀòÉæÀáÅé éÀäåÈä, éÄëÀìåÌ. 28 But the destruction of the transgressors and the sinners shall be together, and they that forsake the LORD shall be consumed.
ëè  ëÌÄé éÅáÉùÑåÌ, îÅàÅéìÄéí àÂùÑÆø çÂîÇãÀúÌÆí; åÀúÇçÀôÌÀøåÌ--îÅäÇâÌÇðÌåÉú, àÂùÑÆø áÌÀçÇøÀúÌÆí. 29 For they shall be ashamed of the terebinths which ye have desired, and ye shall be confounded for the gardens that ye have chosen.
ì  ëÌÄé úÄäÀéåÌ, ëÌÀàÅìÈä ðÉáÆìÆú òÈìÆäÈ; åÌëÀâÇðÌÈä, àÂùÑÆø-îÇéÄí àÅéï ìÈäÌ. 30 For ye shall be as a terebinth whose leaf fadeth, and as a garden that hath no water.
ìà  åÀäÈéÈä äÆçÈñÉï ìÄðÀòÉøÆú, åÌôÉòÂìåÉ ìÀðÄéöåÉõ; åÌáÈòÂøåÌ ùÑÀðÅéäÆí éÇçÀãÌÈå, åÀàÅéï îÀëÇáÌÆä.  {ô} 31 And the strong shall be as tow, and his work as a spark; and they shall both burn together, and none shall quench them. {P}

Bible - Isaiah -
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66