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1 Samaria shall bear her guilt, for she hath rebelled against her God; they shall fall by the sword; their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up. {P}
á ùÑåÌáÈä, éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì, òÇã, éÀäåÈä àÁìÉäÆéêÈ: ëÌÄé ëÈùÑÇìÀúÌÈ, áÌÇòÂåÉðÆêÈ.
2 Return, O Israel, unto the LORD thy God; for thou hast stumbled in thine iniquity.
â ÷ÀçåÌ òÄîÌÈëÆí ãÌÀáÈøÄéí, åÀùÑåÌáåÌ àÆì-éÀäåÈä; àÄîÀøåÌ àÅìÈéå, ëÌÈì-úÌÄùÌÒÈà òÈåÉï åÀ÷Çç-èåÉá, åÌðÀùÑÇìÌÀîÈä ôÈøÄéí, ùÒÀôÈúÅéðåÌ.
3 Take with you words, and return unto the LORD; say unto Him: 'Forgive all iniquity, and accept that which is good; so will we render for bullocks the offering of our lips.
ã àÇùÌÑåÌø ìÉà éåÉùÑÄéòÅðåÌ, òÇì-ñåÌñ ìÉà ðÄøÀëÌÈá, åÀìÉà-ðÉàîÇø òåÉã àÁìÉäÅéðåÌ, ìÀîÇòÂùÒÅä éÈãÅéðåÌ--àÂùÑÆø-áÌÀêÈ, éÀøËçÇí éÈúåÉí.
4 Asshur shall not save us; we will not ride upon horses; neither will we call any more the work of our hands our gods; for in Thee the fatherless findeth mercy.'
ä àÆøÀôÌÈà, îÀùÑåÌáÈúÈí--àÉäÂáÅí, ðÀãÈáÈä: ëÌÄé ùÑÈá àÇôÌÄé, îÄîÌÆðÌåÌ.
5 I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely; for Mine anger is turned away from him.
å àÆäÀéÆä ëÇèÌÇì ìÀéÄùÒÀøÈàÅì, éÄôÀøÇç ëÌÇùÌÑåÉùÑÇðÌÈä; åÀéÇêÀ ùÑÈøÈùÑÈéå, ëÌÇìÌÀáÈðåÉï.
6 I will be as the dew unto Israel; he shall blossom as the lily, and cast forth his roots as Lebanon.
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7 His branches shall spread, and his beauty shall be as the olive-tree, and his fragrance as Lebanon.
ç éÈùÑËáåÌ éÉùÑÀáÅé áÀöÄìÌåÉ, éÀçÇéÌåÌ ãÈâÈï åÀéÄôÀøÀçåÌ ëÇâÌÈôÆï; æÄëÀøåÉ, ëÌÀéÅéï ìÀáÈðåÉï.
8 They that dwell under his shadow shall again make corn to grow, and shall blossom as the vine; the scent thereof shall be as the wine of Lebanon.
è àÆôÀøÇéÄí, îÇä-ìÌÄé òåÉã ìÈòÂöÇáÌÄéí; àÂðÄé òÈðÄéúÄé åÇàÂùÑåÌøÆðÌåÌ, àÂðÄé ëÌÄáÀøåÉùÑ øÇòÂðÈï--îÄîÌÆðÌÄé, ôÌÆøÀéÀêÈ ðÄîÀöÈà.
9 Ephraim [shall say]: 'What have I to do any more with idols?' As for Me, I respond and look on him; I am like a leafy cypress-tree; from Me is thy fruit found.
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10 Whoso is wise, let him understand these things, whoso is prudent, let him know them. For the ways of the LORD are right, and the just do walk in them; but transgressors do stumble therein. {P}