Bible - Genesis -
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Genesis Chapter 44 áÌÀøÅàùÑÄéú

à  åÇéÀöÇå àÆú-àÂùÑÆø òÇì-áÌÅéúåÉ, ìÅàîÉø, îÇìÌÅà àÆú-àÇîÀúÌÀçÉú äÈàÂðÈùÑÄéí àÉëÆì, ëÌÇàÂùÑÆø éåÌëÀìåÌï ùÒÀàÅú; åÀùÒÄéí ëÌÆñÆó-àÄéùÑ, áÌÀôÄé àÇîÀúÌÇçÀúÌåÉ. 1 And he commanded the steward of his house, saying: 'Fill the men's sacks with food, as much as they can carry, and put every man's money in his sack's mouth.
á  åÀàÆú-âÌÀáÄéòÄé âÌÀáÄéòÇ äÇëÌÆñÆó, úÌÈùÒÄéí áÌÀôÄé àÇîÀúÌÇçÇú äÇ÷ÌÈèÉï, åÀàÅú, ëÌÆñÆó ùÑÄáÀøåÉ; åÇéÌÇòÇùÒ, ëÌÄãÀáÇø éåÉñÅó àÂùÑÆø ãÌÄáÌÅø. 2 And put my goblet, the silver goblet, in the sack's mouth of the youngest, and his corn money.' And he did according to the word that Joseph had spoken.
â  äÇáÌÉ÷Æø, àåÉø; åÀäÈàÂðÈùÑÄéí ùÑËìÌÀçåÌ, äÅîÌÈä åÇçÂîÉøÅéäÆí. 3 As soon as the morning was light, the men were sent away, they and their asses.
ã  äÅí éÈöÀàåÌ àÆú-äÈòÄéø, ìÉà äÄøÀçÄé÷åÌ, åÀéåÉñÅó àÈîÇø ìÇàÂùÑÆø òÇì-áÌÅéúåÉ, ÷åÌí øÀãÉó àÇçÂøÅé äÈàÂðÈùÑÄéí; åÀäÄùÌÒÇâÀúÌÈí åÀàÈîÇøÀúÌÈ àÂìÅäÆí, ìÈîÌÈä ùÑÄìÌÇîÀúÌÆí øÈòÈä úÌÇçÇú èåÉáÈä. 4 And when they were gone out of the city, and were not yet far off, Joseph said unto his steward: 'Up, follow after the men; and when thou dost overtake them, say unto them: Wherefore have ye rewarded evil for good?
ä  äÂìåÉà æÆä, àÂùÑÆø éÄùÑÀúÌÆä àÂãÉðÄé áÌåÉ, åÀäåÌà, ðÇçÅùÑ éÀðÇçÅùÑ áÌåÉ; äÂøÅòÉúÆí, àÂùÑÆø òÂùÒÄéúÆí. 5 Is not this it in which my lord drinketh, and whereby he indeed divineth? ye have done evil in so doing.'
å  åÇéÌÇùÌÒÄâÅí; åÇéÀãÇáÌÅø àÂìÅäÆí, àÆú-äÇãÌÀáÈøÄéí äÈàÅìÌÆä. 6 And he overtook them, and he spoke unto them these words.
æ  åÇéÌÉàîÀøåÌ àÅìÈéå--ìÈîÌÈä éÀãÇáÌÅø àÂãÉðÄé, ëÌÇãÌÀáÈøÄéí äÈàÅìÌÆä; çÈìÄéìÈä, ìÇòÂáÈãÆéêÈ, îÅòÂùÒåÉú, ëÌÇãÌÈáÈø äÇæÌÆä. 7 And they said unto him: 'Wherefore speaketh my lord such words as these? Far be it from thy servants that they should do such a thing.
ç  äÅï ëÌÆñÆó, àÂùÑÆø îÈöÈàðåÌ áÌÀôÄé àÇîÀúÌÀçÉúÅéðåÌ--äÁùÑÄéáÉðåÌ àÅìÆéêÈ, îÅàÆøÆõ ëÌÀðÈòÇï; åÀàÅéêÀ, ðÄâÀðÉá îÄáÌÅéú àÂãÉðÆéêÈ, ëÌÆñÆó, àåÉ æÈäÈá. 8 Behold, the money, which we found in our sacks' mouths, we brought back unto thee out of the land of Canaan; how then should we steal out of thy lord's house silver or gold?
è  àÂùÑÆø éÄîÌÈöÅà àÄúÌåÉ îÅòÂáÈãÆéêÈ, åÈîÅú; åÀâÇí-àÂðÇçÀðåÌ, ðÄäÀéÆä ìÇàãÉðÄé ìÇòÂáÈãÄéí. 9 With whomsoever of thy servants it be found, let him die, and we also will be my lord's bondmen.'
é  åÇéÌÉàîÆø, âÌÇí-òÇúÌÈä ëÀãÄáÀøÅéëÆí ëÌÆï-äåÌà:  àÂùÑÆø éÄîÌÈöÅà àÄúÌåÉ éÄäÀéÆä-ìÌÄé òÈáÆã, åÀàÇúÌÆí úÌÄäÀéåÌ ðÀ÷ÄéÌÄí. 10 And he said: 'Now also let it be according unto your words: he with whom it is found shall be my bondman; and ye shall be blameless.'
éà  åÇéÀîÇäÂøåÌ, åÇéÌåÉøÄãåÌ àÄéùÑ àÆú-àÇîÀúÌÇçÀúÌåÉ--àÈøÀöÈä; åÇéÌÄôÀúÌÀçåÌ, àÄéùÑ àÇîÀúÌÇçÀúÌåÉ. 11 Then they hastened, and took down every man his sack to the ground, and opened every man his sack.
éá  åÇéÀçÇôÌÅùÒ--áÌÇâÌÈãåÉì äÅçÅì, åÌáÇ÷ÌÈèÉï ëÌÄìÌÈä; åÇéÌÄîÌÈöÅà, äÇâÌÈáÄéòÇ, áÌÀàÇîÀúÌÇçÇú, áÌÄðÀéÈîÄï. 12 And he searched, beginning at the eldest, and leaving off at the youngest; and the goblet was found in Benjamin's sack.
éâ  åÇéÌÄ÷ÀøÀòåÌ, ùÒÄîÀìÉúÈí; åÇéÌÇòÂîÉñ àÄéùÑ òÇì-çÂîÉøåÉ, åÇéÌÈùÑËáåÌ äÈòÄéøÈä. 13 And they rent their clothes, and laded every man his ass, and returned to the city.
éã  åÇéÌÈáÉà éÀäåÌãÈä åÀàÆçÈéå áÌÅéúÈä éåÉñÅó, åÀäåÌà òåÉãÆðÌåÌ ùÑÈí; åÇéÌÄôÌÀìåÌ ìÀôÈðÈéå, àÈøÀöÈä. 14 And Judah and his brethren came to Joseph's house, and he was yet there; and they fell before him on the ground.
èå  åÇéÌÉàîÆø ìÈäÆí éåÉñÅó, îÈä-äÇîÌÇòÂùÒÆä äÇæÌÆä àÂùÑÆø òÂùÒÄéúÆí; äÂìåÉà éÀãÇòÀúÌÆí, ëÌÄé-ðÇçÅùÑ éÀðÇçÅùÑ àÄéùÑ àÂùÑÆø ëÌÈîÉðÄé. 15 And Joseph said unto them: 'What deed is this that ye have done? know ye not that such a man as I will indeed divine?'
èæ  åÇéÌÉàîÆø éÀäåÌãÈä, îÇä-ðÌÉàîÇø ìÇàãÉðÄé, îÇä-ðÌÀãÇáÌÅø, åÌîÇä-ðÌÄöÀèÇãÌÈ÷; äÈàÁìÉäÄéí, îÈöÈà àÆú-òÂå‍Éï òÂáÈãÆéêÈ--äÄðÌÆðÌåÌ òÂáÈãÄéí ìÇàãÉðÄé, âÌÇí-àÂðÇçÀðåÌ âÌÇí àÂùÑÆø-ðÄîÀöÈà äÇâÌÈáÄéòÇ áÌÀéÈãåÉ. 16 And Judah said: 'What shall we say unto my lord? what shall we speak? or how shall we clear ourselves? God hath found out the iniquity of thy servants; behold, we are my lord's bondmen, both we, and he also in whose hand the cup is found.'
éæ  åÇéÌÉàîÆø--çÈìÄéìÈä ìÌÄé, îÅòÂùÒåÉú æÉàú; äÈàÄéùÑ àÂùÑÆø ðÄîÀöÈà äÇâÌÈáÄéòÇ áÌÀéÈãåÉ, äåÌà éÄäÀéÆä-ìÌÄé òÈáÆã, åÀàÇúÌÆí, òÂìåÌ ìÀùÑÈìåÉí àÆì-àÂáÄéëÆí.  {ñ} 17 And he said: 'Far be it from me that I should do so; the man in whose hand the goblet is found, he shall be my bondman; but as for you, get you up in peace unto your father.' {S}
éç  åÇéÌÄâÌÇùÑ àÅìÈéå éÀäåÌãÈä, åÇéÌÉàîÆø áÌÄé àÂãÉðÄé, éÀãÇáÌÆø-ðÈà òÇáÀãÌÀêÈ ãÈáÈø áÌÀàÈæÀðÅé àÂãÉðÄé, åÀàÇì-éÄçÇø àÇôÌÀêÈ áÌÀòÇáÀãÌÆêÈ:  ëÌÄé ëÈîåÉêÈ, ëÌÀôÇøÀòÉä. 18 Then Judah came near unto him, and said: 'Oh my lord, let thy servant, I pray thee, speak a word in my lord's ears, and let not thine anger burn against thy servant; for thou art even as Pharaoh.
éè  àÂãÉðÄé ùÑÈàÇì, àÆú-òÂáÈãÈéå ìÅàîÉø:  äÂéÅùÑ-ìÈëÆí àÈá, àåÉ-àÈç. 19 My lord asked his servants, saying: Have ye a father, or a brother?
ë  åÇðÌÉàîÆø, àÆì-àÂãÉðÄé, éÆùÑ-ìÈðåÌ àÈá æÈ÷Åï, åÀéÆìÆã æÀ÷ËðÄéí ÷ÈèÈï; åÀàÈçÄéå îÅú, åÇéÌÄåÌÈúÅø äåÌà ìÀáÇãÌåÉ ìÀàÄîÌåÉ åÀàÈáÄéå àÂäÅáåÉ. 20 And we said unto my lord: We have a father, an old man, and a child of his old age, a little one; and his brother is dead, and he alone is left of his mother, and his father loveth him.
ëà  åÇúÌÉàîÆø, àÆì-òÂáÈãÆéêÈ, äåÉøÄãËäåÌ, àÅìÈé; åÀàÈùÒÄéîÈä òÅéðÄé, òÈìÈéå. 21 And thou saidst unto thy servants: Bring him down unto me, that I may set mine eyes upon him.
ëá  åÇðÌÉàîÆø, àÆì-àÂãÉðÄé, ìÉà-éåÌëÇì äÇðÌÇòÇø, ìÇòÂæÉá àÆú-àÈáÄéå:  åÀòÈæÇá àÆú-àÈáÄéå, åÈîÅú. 22 And we said unto my lord: The lad cannot leave his father; for if he should leave his father, his father would die.
ëâ  åÇúÌÉàîÆø, àÆì-òÂáÈãÆéêÈ, àÄí-ìÉà éÅøÅã àÂçÄéëÆí äÇ÷ÌÈèÉï, àÄúÌÀëÆí--ìÉà úÉñÄôåÌï, ìÄøÀàåÉú ôÌÈðÈé. 23 And thou saidst unto thy servants: Except your youngest brother come down with you, ye shall see my face no more.
ëã  åÇéÀäÄé ëÌÄé òÈìÄéðåÌ, àÆì-òÇáÀãÌÀêÈ àÈáÄé; åÇðÌÇâÌÆã-ìåÉ--àÅú, ãÌÄáÀøÅé àÂãÉðÄé. 24 And it came to pass when we came up unto thy servant my father, we told him the words of my lord.
ëä  åÇéÌÉàîÆø, àÈáÄéðåÌ:  ùÑËáåÌ, ùÑÄáÀøåÌ-ìÈðåÌ îÀòÇè-àÉëÆì. 25 And our father said: Go again, buy us a little food.
ëå  åÇðÌÉàîÆø, ìÉà ðåÌëÇì ìÈøÆãÆú:  àÄí-éÅùÑ àÈçÄéðåÌ äÇ÷ÌÈèÉï àÄúÌÈðåÌ, åÀéÈøÇãÀðåÌ--ëÌÄé-ìÉà ðåÌëÇì ìÄøÀàåÉú ôÌÀðÅé äÈàÄéùÑ, åÀàÈçÄéðåÌ äÇ÷ÌÈèÉï àÅéðÆðÌåÌ àÄúÌÈðåÌ. 26 And we said: We cannot go down; if our youngest brother be with us, then will we go down; for we may not see the man's face, except our youngest brother be with us.
ëæ  åÇéÌÉàîÆø òÇáÀãÌÀêÈ àÈáÄé, àÅìÅéðåÌ:  àÇúÌÆí éÀãÇòÀúÌÆí, ëÌÄé ùÑÀðÇéÄí éÈìÀãÈä-ìÌÄé àÄùÑÀúÌÄé. 27 And thy servant my father said unto us: Ye know that my wife bore me two sons;
ëç  åÇéÌÅöÅà äÈàÆçÈã, îÅàÄúÌÄé, åÈàÉîÇø, àÇêÀ èÈøÉó èÉøÈó; åÀìÉà øÀàÄéúÄéå, òÇã-äÅðÌÈä. 28 and the one went out from me, and I said: Surely he is torn in pieces; and I have not seen him since;
ëè  åÌìÀ÷ÇçÀúÌÆí âÌÇí-àÆú-æÆä îÅòÄí ôÌÈðÇé, åÀ÷ÈøÈäåÌ àÈñåÉï--åÀäåÉøÇãÀúÌÆí àÆú-ùÒÅéáÈúÄé áÌÀøÈòÈä, ùÑÀàÉìÈä. 29 and if ye take this one also from me, and harm befall him, ye will bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave.
ì  åÀòÇúÌÈä, ëÌÀáÉàÄé àÆì-òÇáÀãÌÀêÈ àÈáÄé, åÀäÇðÌÇòÇø, àÅéðÆðÌåÌ àÄúÌÈðåÌ; åÀðÇôÀùÑåÉ, ÷ÀùÑåÌøÈä áÀðÇôÀùÑåÉ. 30 Now therefore when I come to thy servant my father, and the lad is not with us; seeing that his soul is bound up with the lad's soul;
ìà  åÀäÈéÈä, ëÌÄøÀàåÉúåÉ ëÌÄé-àÅéï äÇðÌÇòÇø--åÈîÅú; åÀäåÉøÄéãåÌ òÂáÈãÆéêÈ àÆú-ùÒÅéáÇú òÇáÀãÌÀêÈ àÈáÄéðåÌ, áÌÀéÈâåÉï--ùÑÀàÉìÈä. 31 it will come to pass, when he seeth that the lad is not with us, that he will die; and thy servants will bring down the gray hairs of thy servant our father with sorrow to the grave.
ìá  ëÌÄé òÇáÀãÌÀêÈ òÈøÇá àÆú-äÇðÌÇòÇø, îÅòÄí àÈáÄé ìÅàîÉø:  àÄí-ìÉà àÂáÄéàÆðÌåÌ àÅìÆéêÈ, åÀçÈèÈàúÄé ìÀàÈáÄé ëÌÈì-äÇéÌÈîÄéí. 32 For thy servant became surety for the lad unto my father, saying: If I bring him not unto thee, then shall I bear the blame to my father for ever.
ìâ  åÀòÇúÌÈä, éÅùÑÆá-ðÈà òÇáÀãÌÀêÈ úÌÇçÇú äÇðÌÇòÇø--òÆáÆã, ìÇàãÉðÄé; åÀäÇðÌÇòÇø, éÇòÇì òÄí-àÆçÈéå. 33 Now therefore, let thy servant, I pray thee, abide instead of the lad a bondman to my lord; and let the lad go up with his brethren.
ìã  ëÌÄé-àÅéêÀ àÆòÁìÆä àÆì-àÈáÄé, åÀäÇðÌÇòÇø àÅéðÆðÌåÌ àÄúÌÄé:  ôÌÆï àÆøÀàÆä áÈøÈò, àÂùÑÆø éÄîÀöÈà àÆú-àÈáÄé. 34 For how shall I go up to my father, if the lad be not with me? lest I look upon the evil that shall come on my father.'

Bible - Genesis -
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50