à åÇéÀäÄé ãÀáÇø-éÀäåÈä, àÅìÇé ìÅàîÉø.
1 Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying:
á áÌÆï-àÈãÈí, ùÒÄéí ôÌÈðÆéêÈ òÇì-äÇø ùÒÅòÄéø; åÀäÄðÌÈáÅà, òÈìÈéå.
2 'Son of man, set thy face against mount Seir, and prophesy against it,
â åÀàÈîÇøÀúÌÈ ìÌåÉ, ëÌÉä àÈîÇø àÂãÉðÈé éÀäåÄä, äÄðÀðÄé àÅìÆéêÈ, äÇø-ùÒÅòÄéø; åÀðÈèÄéúÄé éÈãÄé òÈìÆéêÈ, åÌðÀúÇúÌÄéêÈ ùÑÀîÈîÈä åÌîÀùÑÇîÌÈä.
3 and say unto it: Thus saith the Lord GOD: Behold, I am against thee, O mount Seir, and I will stretch out My hand against thee, and I will make thee most desolate.
ã òÈøÆéêÈ çÈøÀáÌÈä àÈùÒÄéí, åÀàÇúÌÈä ùÑÀîÈîÈä úÄäÀéÆä; åÀéÈãÇòÀúÌÈ, ëÌÄé-àÂðÄé éÀäåÈä.
4 I will lay thy cities waste, and thou shalt be desolate; and thou shalt know that I am the LORD.
ä éÇòÇï, äÁéåÉú ìÀêÈ àÅéáÇú òåÉìÈí, åÇúÌÇâÌÅø àÆú-áÌÀðÅé-éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì, òÇì-éÀãÅé-çÈøÆá--áÌÀòÅú àÅéãÈí, áÌÀòÅú òÂåÉï ÷Åõ.
5 Because thou hast had a hatred of old, and hast hurled the children of Israel unto the power of the sword in the time of their calamity, in the time of the iniquity of the end;
å ìÈëÅï çÇé-àÈðÄé, ðÀàËí àÂãÉðÈé éÀäåÄä, ëÌÄé-ìÀãÈí àÆòÆùÒÀêÈ, åÀãÈí éÄøÀãÌÀôÆêÈ; àÄí-ìÉà ãÈí ùÒÈðÅàúÈ, åÀãÈí éÄøÀãÌÀôÆêÈ.
6 therefore, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, I will prepare thee unto blood, and blood shall pursue thee; surely thou hast hated thine own blood, therefore blood shall pursue thee.
æ åÀðÈúÇúÌÄé àÆú-äÇø ùÒÅòÄéø, ìÀùÑÄîÀîÈä åÌùÑÀîÈîÈä; åÀäÄëÀøÇúÌÄé îÄîÌÆðÌåÌ, òÉáÅø åÈùÑÈá.
7 Thus will I make mount Seir most desolate, and cut off from it him that passeth through and him that returneth.
ç åÌîÄìÌÅàúÄé àÆú-äÈøÈéå, çÂìÈìÈéå; âÌÄáÀòåÉúÆéêÈ åÀâÅéàåÉúÆéêÈ åÀëÈì-àÂôÄé÷ÆéêÈ, çÇìÀìÅé-çÆøÆá éÄôÌÀìåÌ áÈäÆí.
8 And I will fill his mountains with his slain; in thy hills and in thy valleys and in all thy streams shall they fall that are slain with the sword.
è ùÑÄîÀîåÉú òåÉìÈí àÆúÌÆðÀêÈ, åÀòÈøÆéêÈ ìÉà úéùáðä (úÈùÑåÉáÀðÈä); åÄéãÇòÀúÌÆí, ëÌÄé-àÂðÄé éÀäåÈä.
9 I will make thee perpetual desolations, and thy cities shall not return; and ye shall know that I am the LORD.
é éÇòÇï àÂîÈøÀêÈ àÆú-ùÑÀðÅé äÇâÌåÉéÄí åÀàÆú-ùÑÀúÌÅé äÈàÂøÈöåÉú, ìÄé úÄäÀéÆéðÈä--åÄéøÇùÑÀðåÌäÈ; åÇéäåÈä, ùÑÈí äÈéÈä. {ñ}
10 Because thou hast said: These two nations and these two countries shall be mine, and we will possess it; whereas the LORD was there; {S}
éà ìÈëÅï çÇé-àÈðÄé, ðÀàËí àÂãÉðÈé éÀäåÄä, åÀòÈùÒÄéúÄé ëÌÀàÇôÌÀêÈ åÌëÀ÷ÄðÀàÈúÀêÈ, àÂùÑÆø òÈùÒÄéúÈä îÄùÌÒÄðÀàÈúÆéêÈ áÌÈí; åÀðåÉãÇòÀúÌÄé áÈí, ëÌÇàÂùÑÆø àÆùÑÀôÌÀèÆêÈ.
11 therefore, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, I will do according to thine anger and according to thine envy, which thou hast used out of thy hatred against them; and I will make Myself known among them, when I shall judge thee.
éá åÀéÈãÇòÀúÌÈ, ëÌÄé àÂðÄé éÀäåÈä, ùÑÈîÇòÀúÌÄé àÆú-ëÌÈì-ðÈàÈöåÉúÆéêÈ àÂùÑÆø àÈîÇøÀúÌÈ òÇì-äÈøÅé éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì, ìÅàîÉø ùîîä (ùÑÈîÅîåÌ): ìÈðåÌ ðÄúÌÀðåÌ, ìÀàÈëÀìÈä.
12 And thou shalt know that I the LORD have heard all thy blasphemies which thou hast spoken against the mountains of Israel, saying: They are laid desolate, they are given us to devour.
éâ åÇúÌÇâÀãÌÄéìåÌ òÈìÇé áÌÀôÄéëÆí, åÀäÇòÀúÌÇøÀúÌÆí òÈìÇé ãÌÄáÀøÅéëÆí: àÂðÄé, ùÑÈîÈòÀúÌÄé. {ñ}
13 And ye have magnified yourselves against Me with your mouth, and have multiplied your words against Me; I have heard it. {S}
éã ëÌÉä àÈîÇø, àÂãÉðÈé éÀäåÄä: ëÌÄùÒÀîÉçÇ, ëÌÈì-äÈàÈøÆõ, ùÑÀîÈîÈä, àÆòÁùÒÆä-ìÌÈêÀ.
14 Thus saith the Lord GOD: When the whole earth rejoiceth, I will make thee desolate.
èå ëÌÀùÒÄîÀçÈúÀêÈ ìÀðÇçÂìÇú áÌÅéú-éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì, òÇì àÂùÑÆø-ùÑÈîÅîÈä--ëÌÅï àÆòÁùÒÆä-ìÌÈêÀ: ùÑÀîÈîÈä úÄäÀéÆä äÇø-ùÒÅòÄéø åÀëÈì-àÁãåÉí ëÌËìÌÈäÌ, åÀéÈãÀòåÌ ëÌÄé-àÂðÄé éÀäåÈä. {ô}
15 As thou didst rejoice over the inheritance of the house of Israel, because it was desolate, so will I do unto thee; thou shalt be desolate, O mount Seir, and all Edom, even all of it; and they shall know that I am the LORD. {P}