à åÇéÀäÄé ãÀáÇø-éÀäåÈä, àÅìÇé ìÅàîÉø.
1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying:
á áÌÆï-àÈãÈí, îÇä-éÌÄäÀéÆä òÅõ-äÇâÌÆôÆï îÄëÌÈì-òÅõ--äÇæÌÀîåÉøÈä, àÂùÑÆø äÈéÈä áÌÇòÂöÅé äÇéÌÈòÇø.
2 'Son of man, what is the vine-tree more than any tree, the vine branch which grew up among the trees of the forest?
â äÂéË÷ÌÇç îÄîÌÆðÌåÌ òÅõ, ìÇòÂùÒåÉú ìÄîÀìÈàëÈä; àÄí-éÄ÷ÀçåÌ îÄîÌÆðÌåÌ éÈúÅã, ìÄúÀìåÉú òÈìÈéå ëÌÈì-ëÌÆìÄé.
3 Shall wood be taken thereof to make any work? or will men take a pin of it to hang any vessel thereon?
ã äÄðÌÅä ìÈàÅùÑ, ðÄúÌÇï ìÀàÈëÀìÈä: àÅú ùÑÀðÅé ÷ÀöåÉúÈéå àÈëÀìÈä äÈàÅùÑ, åÀúåÉëåÉ ðÈçÈø--äÂéÄöÀìÇç, ìÄîÀìÈàëÈä.
4 Behold, it is cast into the fire for fuel; the fire hath devoured both the ends of it, and the midst of it is singed; is it profitable for any work?
ä äÄðÌÅä áÌÄäÀéåÉúåÉ úÈîÄéí, ìÉà éÅòÈùÒÆä ìÄîÀìÈàëÈä: àÇó ëÌÄé-àÅùÑ àÂëÈìÇúÀäåÌ åÇéÌÅçÈø, åÀðÇòÂùÒÈä òåÉã ìÄîÀìÈàëÈä. {ñ}
5 Behold, when it was whole, it was meet for no work; how much less, when the fire hath devoured it, and it is singed, shall it yet be meet for any work? {S}
å ìÈëÅï, ëÌÉä àÈîÇø àÂãÉðÈé éÀäåÄä, ëÌÇàÂùÑÆø òÅõ-äÇâÌÆôÆï áÌÀòÅõ äÇéÌÇòÇø, àÂùÑÆø-ðÀúÇúÌÄéå ìÈàÅùÑ ìÀàÈëÀìÈä--ëÌÅï ðÈúÇúÌÄé, àÆú-éÉùÑÀáÅé éÀøåÌùÑÈìÈÄí.
6 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD: As the vine-tree among the trees of the forest, which I have given to the fire for fuel, so do I give the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
æ åÀðÈúÇúÌÄé àÆú-ôÌÈðÇé, áÌÈäÆí--îÅäÈàÅùÑ éÈöÈàåÌ, åÀäÈàÅùÑ úÌÉàëÀìÅí; åÄéãÇòÀúÌÆí ëÌÄé-àÂðÄé éÀäåÈä, áÌÀùÒåÌîÄé àÆú-ôÌÈðÇé áÌÈäÆí.
7 And I will set My face against them; out of the fire are they come forth, and the fire shall devour them; and ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I set My face against them.
ç åÀðÈúÇúÌÄé àÆú-äÈàÈøÆõ, ùÑÀîÈîÈä--éÇòÇï îÈòÂìåÌ îÇòÇì, ðÀàËí àÂãÉðÈé éÀäåÄä. {ô}
8 And I will make the land desolate, because they have acted treacherously, saith the Lord GOD.' {P}