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1 Josiah was eight years old when he began to reign; and he reigned thirty and one years in Jerusalem.
á åÇéÌÇòÇùÒ äÇéÌÈùÑÈø, áÌÀòÅéðÅé éÀäåÈä; åÇéÌÅìÆêÀ, áÌÀãÇøÀëÅé ãÌÈåÄéã àÈáÄéå, åÀìÉà-ñÈø, éÈîÄéï åÌùÒÀîÉàåì.
2 And he did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD, and walked in the ways of David his father, and turned not aside to the right hand or to the left.
â åÌáÄùÑÀîåÉðÆä ùÑÈðÄéí ìÀîÈìÀëåÉ, åÀäåÌà òåÉãÆðÌåÌ ðÇòÇø, äÅçÅì, ìÄãÀøåÉùÑ ìÅàìÉäÅé ãÌÈåÄéã àÈáÄéå; åÌáÄùÑÀúÌÅéí òÆùÒÀøÅä ùÑÈðÈä, äÅçÅì ìÀèÇäÅø àÆú-éÀäåÌãÈä åÄéøåÌùÑÈìÇÄí, îÄï-äÇáÌÈîåÉú åÀäÈàÂùÑÅøÄéí, åÀäÇôÌÀñÄìÄéí åÀäÇîÌÇñÌÅëåÉú.
3 For in the eighth year of his reign, while he was yet young, he began to seek after the God of David his father; and in the twelfth year he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem from the high places, and the Asherim, and the graven images, and the molten images.
ã åÇéÀðÇúÌÀöåÌ ìÀôÈðÈéå, àÅú îÄæÀáÌÀçåÉú äÇáÌÀòÈìÄéí, åÀäÇçÇîÌÈðÄéí àÂùÑÆø-ìÀîÇòÀìÈä îÅòÂìÅéäÆí, âÌÄãÌÅòÇ; åÀäÈàÂùÑÅøÄéí åÀäÇôÌÀñÄìÄéí åÀäÇîÌÇñÌÅëåÉú, ùÑÄáÌÇø åÀäÅãÇ÷, åÇéÌÄæÀøÉ÷ òÇì-ôÌÀðÅé äÇ÷ÌÀáÈøÄéí, äÇæÌÉáÀçÄéí ìÈäÆí.
4 And they broke down the altars of the Baalim in his presence; and the sun-images, that were on high above them, he hewed down; and the Asherim, and the graven images, and the molten images, he broke in pieces, and made dust of them, and strewed it upon the graves of them that had sacrificed unto them.
ä åÀòÇöÀîåÉú, ëÌÉäÂðÄéí, ùÒÈøÇó, òÇì-îæáçåúéí (îÄæÀáÌÀçåÉúÈí); åÇéÀèÇäÅø àÆú-éÀäåÌãÈä, åÀàÆú-éÀøåÌùÑÈìÈÄí.
5 And he burnt the bones of the priests upon their altars, and purged Judah and Jerusalem.
å åÌáÀòÈøÅé îÀðÇùÌÑÆä åÀàÆôÀøÇéÄí åÀùÑÄîÀòåÉï, åÀòÇã-ðÇôÀúÌÈìÄé, áçø áúéäí (áÌÀçÇøÀáÉúÅéäÆí), ñÈáÄéá.
6 And so did he in the cities of Manasseh and Ephraim and Simeon, even unto Naphtali, with their axes round about.
æ åÇéÀðÇúÌÅõ àÆú-äÇîÌÄæÀáÌÀçåÉú, åÀàÆú-äÈàÂùÑÅøÄéí åÀäÇôÌÀñÄìÄéí ëÌÄúÌÇú ìÀäÅãÇ÷, åÀëÈì-äÇçÇîÌÈðÄéí âÌÄãÌÇò, áÌÀëÈì-àÆøÆõ éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì; åÇéÌÈùÑÈá, ìÄéøåÌùÑÈìÈÄí. {ô}
7 And he broke down the altars, and beat the Asherim and the graven images into powder, and hewed down all the sun-images throughout all the land of Israel, and returned to Jerusalem. {P}
ç åÌáÄùÑÀðÇú ùÑÀîåÉðÆä òÆùÒÀøÅä ìÀîÈìÀëåÉ, ìÀèÇäÅø äÈàÈøÆõ åÀäÇáÌÈéÄú--ùÑÈìÇç àÆú-ùÑÈôÈï áÌÆï-àÂöÇìÀéÈäåÌ åÀàÆú-îÇòÂùÒÅéÈäåÌ ùÒÇø-äÈòÄéø, åÀàÅú éåÉàÈç áÌÆï-éåÉàÈçÈæ äÇîÌÇæÀëÌÄéø, ìÀçÇæÌÅ÷, àÆú-áÌÅéú éÀäåÈä àÁìÉäÈéå.
8 Now in the eighteenth year of his reign, when he had purged the land, and the house, he sent Shaphan the son of Azaliah, and Maaseiah the governor of the city, and Joah the son of Joahaz the recorder, to repair the house of the LORD his God.
è åÇéÌÈáÉàåÌ àÆì-çÄìÀ÷ÄéÌÈäåÌ äÇëÌÉäÅï äÇâÌÈãåÉì, åÇéÌÄúÌÀðåÌ àÆú-äÇëÌÆñÆó äÇîÌåÌáÈà áÅéú-àÁìÉäÄéí, àÂùÑÆø àÈñÀôåÌ-äÇìÀåÄéÌÄí ùÑÉîÀøÅé äÇñÌÇó îÄéÌÇã îÀðÇùÌÑÆä åÀàÆôÀøÇéÄí åÌîÄëÌÉì ùÑÀàÅøÄéú éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì, åÌîÄëÌÈì-éÀäåÌãÈä åÌáÄðÀéÈîÄï; åéùáé (åÇéÌÈùÑËáåÌ), éÀøåÌùÑÈìÈÄí.
9 And they came to Hilkiah the high priest, and delivered the money that was brought into the house of God, which the Levites, the keepers of the door, had gathered of the hand of Manasseh and Ephraim, and of all the remnant of Israel, and of all Judah and Benjamin, and they returned to Jerusalem.
é åÇéÌÄúÌÀðåÌ, òÇì-éÇã òÉùÒÅä äÇîÌÀìÈàëÈä, äÇîÌËôÀ÷ÈãÄéí, áÌÀáÅéú éÀäåÈä; åÇéÌÄúÌÀðåÌ àÉúåÉ òåÉùÒÅé äÇîÌÀìÈàëÈä, àÂùÑÆø òÉùÒÄéí áÌÀáÅéú éÀäåÈä, ìÄáÀãÌåÉ÷ åÌìÀçÇæÌÅ÷, äÇáÌÈéÄú.
10 And they delivered it into the hand of the workmen that had the oversight of the house of the LORD; and the workmen that wrought in the house of the LORD gave it to mend and repair the house;
éà åÇéÌÄúÌÀðåÌ, ìÆçÈøÈùÑÄéí åÀìÇáÌÉðÄéí, ìÄ÷ÀðåÉú àÇáÀðÅé îÇçÀöÅá, åÀòÅöÄéí ìÇîÀçÇáÌÀøåÉú; åÌìÀ÷ÈøåÉú, àÆú-äÇáÌÈúÌÄéí, àÂùÑÆø äÄùÑÀçÄéúåÌ, îÇìÀëÅé éÀäåÌãÈä. {ñ}
11 even to the carpenters and to the builders gave they it, to buy hewn stone, and timber for couplings, and to make beams for the houses which the kings of Judah had destroyed. {S}
éá åÀäÈàÂðÈùÑÄéí òÉùÒÄéí áÌÆàÁîåÌðÈä áÌÇîÌÀìÈàëÈä, åÇòÂìÅéäÆí îËôÀ÷ÈãÄéí éÇçÇú åÀòÉáÇãÀéÈäåÌ äÇìÀåÄéÌÄí îÄï-áÌÀðÅé îÀøÈøÄé, åÌæÀëÇøÀéÈä åÌîÀùÑËìÌÈí îÄï-áÌÀðÅé äÇ÷ÌÀäÈúÄéí, ìÀðÇöÌÅçÇ; åÀäÇìÀåÄéÌÄí--ëÌÈì-îÅáÄéï, áÌÄëÀìÅé-ùÑÄéø.
12 And the men did the work faithfully; and the overseers of them were Jahath and Obadiah, the Levites, of the sons of Merari; and Zechariah and Meshullam, of the sons of the Kohathites, to preside over it; and other of the Levites, all that had skill with instruments of music.
éâ åÀòÇì äÇñÌÇáÌÈìÄéí, åÌîÀðÇöÌÀçÄéí ìÀëÉì òÉùÒÅä îÀìÈàëÈä, ìÇòÂáåÉãÈä, åÇòÂáåÉãÈä; åÌîÅäÇìÀåÄéÌÄí, ñåÉôÀøÄéí åÀùÑÉèÀøÄéí åÀùÑåÉòÂøÄéí.
13 Also they were over the bearers of burdens, and presided over all that did the work in every manner of service; and of the Levites there were scribes, and officers, and porters.
éã åÌáÀäåÉöÄéàÈí àÆú-äÇëÌÆñÆó, äÇîÌåÌáÈà áÌÅéú éÀäåÈä--îÈöÈà çÄìÀ÷ÄéÌÈäåÌ äÇëÌÉäÅï, àÆú-ñÅôÆø úÌåÉøÇú-éÀäåÈä áÌÀéÇã-îÉùÑÆä.
14 And when they brought out the money that was brought into the house of the LORD, Hilkiah the priest found the book of the Law of the LORD given by Moses.
èå åÇéÌÇòÇï çÄìÀ÷ÄéÌÈäåÌ, åÇéÌÉàîÆø àÆì-ùÑÈôÈï äÇñÌåÉôÅø, ñÅôÆø äÇúÌåÉøÈä îÈöÈàúÄé, áÌÀáÅéú éÀäåÈä; åÇéÌÄúÌÅï çÄìÀ÷ÄéÌÈäåÌ àÆú-äÇñÌÅôÆø, àÆì-ùÑÈôÈï.
15 and Hilkiah answered and said to Shaphan the scribe: 'I have found the book of the Law in the house of the LORD.' And Hilkiah delivered the book to Shaphan.
èæ åÇéÌÈáÅà ùÑÈôÈï àÆú-äÇñÌÅôÆø àÆì-äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ, åÇéÌÈùÑÆá òåÉã àÆú-äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ ãÌÈáÈø ìÅàîÉø: ëÌÉì àÂùÑÆø-ðÄúÌÇï áÌÀéÇã-òÂáÈãÆéêÈ, äÅí òÉùÒÄéí.
16 And Shaphan carried the book to the king, and moreover brought back word unto the king, saying: 'All that was committed to thy servants, they do it.
éæ åÇéÌÇúÌÄéëåÌ, àÆú-äÇëÌÆñÆó äÇðÌÄîÀöÈà áÌÀáÅéú-éÀäåÈä; åÇéÌÄúÌÀðåÌäåÌ, òÇì-éÇã äÇîÌËôÀ÷ÈãÄéí, åÀòÇì-éÇã, òåÉùÒÅé äÇîÌÀìÈàëÈä.
17 And they have poured out the money that was found in the house of the LORD, and have delivered it into the hand of the overseers, and into the hand of the workmen.'
éç åÇéÌÇâÌÅã ùÑÈôÈï äÇñÌåÉôÅø, ìÇîÌÆìÆêÀ ìÅàîÉø--ñÅôÆø ðÈúÇï ìÄé, çÄìÀ÷ÄéÌÈäåÌ äÇëÌÉäÅï; åÇéÌÄ÷ÀøÈà-áåÉ ùÑÈôÈï, ìÄôÀðÅé äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ.
18 And Shaphan the scribe told the king, saying: 'Hilkiah the priest hath delivered me a book.' And Shaphan read therein before the king.
éè åÇéÀäÄé ëÌÄùÑÀîÉòÇ äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ, àÅú ãÌÄáÀøÅé äÇúÌåÉøÈä--åÇéÌÄ÷ÀøÇò, àÆú-áÌÀâÈãÈéå.
19 And it came to pass, when the king had heard the words of the Law, that he rent his clothes.
ë åÇéÀöÇå äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ àÆú-çÄìÀ÷ÄéÌÈäåÌ åÀàÆú-àÂçÄé÷Èí áÌÆï-ùÑÈôÈï åÀàÆú-òÇáÀãÌåÉï áÌÆï-îÄéëÈä åÀàÅú ùÑÈôÈï äÇñÌåÉôÅø, åÀàÅú òÂùÒÈéÈä òÆáÆã-äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ--ìÅàîÉø.
20 And the king commanded Hilkiah, and Ahikam the son of Shaphan, and Abdon the son of Micah, and Shaphan the scribe, and Asaiah the king's servant, saying:
ëà ìÀëåÌ ãÄøÀùÑåÌ àÆú-éÀäåÈä áÌÇòÂãÄé, åÌáÀòÇã äÇðÌÄùÑÀàÈø áÌÀéÄùÒÀøÈàÅì åÌáÄéäåÌãÈä, òÇì-ãÌÄáÀøÅé äÇñÌÅôÆø, àÂùÑÆø ðÄîÀöÈà: ëÌÄé-âÀãåÉìÈä çÂîÇú-éÀäåÈä, àÂùÑÆø ðÄúÌÀëÈä áÈðåÌ, òÇì àÂùÑÆø ìÉà-ùÑÈîÀøåÌ àÂáåÉúÅéðåÌ àÆú-ãÌÀáÇø éÀäåÈä, ìÇòÂùÒåÉú ëÌÀëÈì-äÇëÌÈúåÌá òÇì-äÇñÌÅôÆø äÇæÌÆä.
21 'Go ye, inquire of the LORD for me, and for them that are left in Israel and in Judah, concerning the words of the book that is found; for great is the wrath of the LORD that is poured out upon us, because our fathers have not kept the word of the LORD, to do according unto all that is written in this book.'
ëá åÇéÌÅìÆêÀ çÄìÀ÷ÄéÌÈäåÌ åÇàÂùÑÆø äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ, àÆì-çËìÀãÌÈä äÇðÌÀáÄéàÈä àÅùÑÆú ùÑÇìÌËí áÌÆï-úå÷äú (úÌÈ÷ÀäÇú) áÌÆï-çÇñÀøÈä ùÑåÉîÅø äÇáÌÀâÈãÄéí, åÀäÄéà éåÉùÑÆáÆú áÌÄéøåÌùÑÈìÇÄí, áÌÇîÌÄùÑÀðÆä; åÇéÀãÇáÌÀøåÌ àÅìÆéäÈ, ëÌÈæÉàú.
22 So Hilkiah, and they whom the king [had commanded], went to Huldah the prophetess, the wife of Shallum the son of Tokhath, the son of Hasrah, keeper of the wardrobe--now she dwelt in Jerusalem in the second quarter--and they spoke to her to that effect.
ëâ åÇúÌÉàîÆø ìÈäÆí, ëÌÉä-àÈîÇø éÀäåÈä àÁìÉäÅé éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì: àÄîÀøåÌ ìÈàÄéùÑ, àÂùÑÆø-ùÑÈìÇç àÆúÀëÆí àÅìÈé. {ñ}
23 And she said unto them: 'Thus saith the LORD, the God of Israel: Tell ye the man that sent you unto me: {S}
ëã ëÌÉä àÈîÇø éÀäåÈä, äÄðÀðÄé îÅáÄéà øÈòÈä òÇì-äÇîÌÈ÷åÉí äÇæÌÆä åÀòÇì-éåÉùÑÀáÈéå: àÅú ëÌÈì-äÈàÈìåÉú, äÇëÌÀúåÌáåÉú òÇì-äÇñÌÅôÆø, àÂùÑÆø ÷ÈøÀàåÌ, ìÄôÀðÅé îÆìÆêÀ éÀäåÌãÈä.
24 Thus saith the LORD: Behold, I will bring evil upon this place, and upon the inhabitants thereof, even all the curses that are written in the book which they have read before the king of Judah;
ëä úÌÇçÇú àÂùÑÆø òÂæÈáåÌðÄé, åé÷èéøå (åÇéÀ÷ÇèÌÀøåÌ) ìÅàìÉäÄéí àÂçÅøÄéí--ìÀîÇòÇï äÇëÀòÄéñÅðÄé, áÌÀëÉì îÇòÂùÒÅé éÀãÅéäÆí; åÀúÄúÌÇêÀ çÂîÈúÄé áÌÇîÌÈ÷åÉí äÇæÌÆä, åÀìÉà úÄëÀáÌÆä.
25 because they have forsaken Me, and have offered unto other gods, that they might provoke Me with all the works of their hands; therefore is My wrath poured out upon this place, and it shall not be quenched.
ëå åÀàÆì-îÆìÆêÀ éÀäåÌãÈä, äÇùÌÑÉìÅçÇ àÆúÀëÆí ìÄãÀøåÉùÑ áÌÇéäåÈä--ëÌÉä úÉàîÀøåÌ, àÅìÈéå: {ñ} ëÌÉä-àÈîÇø éÀäåÈä àÁìÉäÅé éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì, äÇãÌÀáÈøÄéí àÂùÑÆø ùÑÈîÈòÀúÌÈ.
26 But unto the king of Judah, who sent you to inquire of the LORD, thus shall ye say to him: {S} Thus saith the LORD, the God of Israel: As touching the words which thou hast heard,
ëæ éÇòÇï øÇêÀ-ìÀáÈáÀêÈ åÇúÌÄëÌÈðÇò îÄìÌÄôÀðÅé àÁìÉäÄéí, áÌÀùÑÈîÀòÂêÈ àÆú-ãÌÀáÈøÈéå òÇì-äÇîÌÈ÷åÉí äÇæÌÆä åÀòÇì-éÉùÑÀáÈéå, åÇúÌÄëÌÈðÇò ìÀôÈðÇé, åÇúÌÄ÷ÀøÇò àÆú-áÌÀâÈãÆéêÈ åÇúÌÅáÀêÌÀ ìÀôÈðÈé; åÀâÇí-àÂðÄé ùÑÈîÇòÀúÌÄé, ðÀàËí-éÀäåÈä.
27 because thy heart was tender, and thou didst humble thyself before God, when thou heardest His words against this place, and against the inhabitants thereof, and hast humbled thyself before Me, and hast rent thy clothes, and wept before Me; I also have heard thee, saith the LORD.
ëç äÄðÀðÄé àÉñÄôÀêÈ àÆì-àÂáÉúÆéêÈ, åÀðÆàÁñÇôÀúÌÈ àÆì-÷ÄáÀøåÉúÆéêÈ áÌÀùÑÈìåÉí, åÀìÉà-úÄøÀàÆéðÈä òÅéðÆéêÈ, áÌÀëÉì äÈøÈòÈä àÂùÑÆø àÂðÄé îÅáÄéà òÇì-äÇîÌÈ÷åÉí äÇæÌÆä åÀòÇì-éÉùÑÀáÈéå; åÇéÌÈùÑÄéáåÌ àÆú-äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ, ãÌÈáÈø. {ñ}
28 Behold, I will gather thee to thy fathers, and thou shalt be gathered to thy grave in peace, neither shall thine eyes see all the evil that I will bring upon this place, and upon the inhabitants thereof.' And they brought back word unto the king. {S}
ëè åÇéÌÄùÑÀìÇç, äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ; åÇéÌÆàÁñÉó, àÆú-ëÌÈì-æÄ÷ÀðÅé éÀäåÌãÈä åÄéøåÌùÑÈìÈÄí.
29 Then the king sent and gathered together all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem.
ì åÇéÌÇòÇì äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ áÌÅéú-éÀäåÈä åÀëÈì-àÄéùÑ éÀäåÌãÈä åÀéÉùÑÀáÅé éÀøåÌùÑÈìÇÄí, åÀäÇëÌÉäÂðÄéí åÀäÇìÀåÄéÌÄí, åÀëÈì-äÈòÈí, îÄâÌÈãåÉì åÀòÇã-÷ÈèÈï; åÇéÌÄ÷ÀøÈà áÀàÈæÀðÅéäÆí, àÆú-ëÌÈì-ãÌÄáÀøÅé ñÅôÆø äÇáÌÀøÄéú, äÇðÌÄîÀöÈà, áÌÅéú éÀäåÈä.
30 And the king went up to the house of the LORD, and all the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the priests, and the Levites, and all the people, both great and small; and he read in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant that was found in the house of the LORD.
ìà åÇéÌÇòÂîÉã äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ òÇì-òÈîÀãåÉ, åÇéÌÄëÀøÉú àÆú-äÇáÌÀøÄéú ìÄôÀðÅé éÀäåÈä, ìÈìÆëÆú àÇçÂøÅé éÀäåÈä åÀìÄùÑÀîåÉø àÆú-îÄöÀåÉúÈéå åÀòÅãÀåÉúÈéå åÀçË÷ÌÈéå, áÌÀëÈì-ìÀáÈáåÉ åÌáÀëÈì-ðÇôÀùÑåÉ--ìÇòÂùÒåÉú àÆú-ãÌÄáÀøÅé äÇáÌÀøÄéú, äÇëÌÀúåÌáÄéí òÇì-äÇñÌÅôÆø äÇæÌÆä.
31 And the king stood in his place, and made a covenant before the LORD, to walk after the LORD, and to keep His commandments, and His testimonies, and His statutes, with all his heart, and with all his soul, to perform the words of the covenant that were written in this book.
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32 And he caused all that were found in Jerusalem and Benjamin to stand to it. And the inhabitants of Jerusalem did according to the covenant of God, the God of their fathers.
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33 And Josiah took away all the abominations out of all the countries that pertained to the children of Israel, and made all that were found in Israel to serve, even to serve the LORD their God. All his days they departed not from following the LORD, the God of their fathers. {S}