Bible - Chronicles -
1 Chronicles Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
2 Chronicles Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

2 Chronicles Chapter 23 ãÌÄáÀøÅé äÇéÌÈîÄéí á

à  åÌáÇùÌÑÈðÈä äÇùÌÑÀáÄòÄéú äÄúÀçÇæÌÇ÷ éÀäåÉéÈãÈò, åÇéÌÄ÷ÌÇç àÆú-ùÒÈøÅé äÇîÌÅàåÉú ìÇòÂæÇøÀéÈäåÌ áÆï-éÀøÉçÈí åÌìÀéÄùÑÀîÈòÅàì áÌÆï-éÀäåÉçÈðÈï åÀìÇòÂæÇøÀéÈäåÌ áÆï-òåÉáÅã åÀàÆú-îÇòÂùÒÅéÈäåÌ áÆï-òÂãÈéÈäåÌ åÀàÆú-àÁìÄéùÑÈôÈè áÌÆï-æÄëÀøÄé--òÄîÌåÉ áÇáÌÀøÄéú. 1 And in the seventh year Jehoiada strengthened himself, and took the captains of hundreds, Azariah the son of Jeroham, and Ishmael the son of Jehohanan, and Azariah the son of Obed, and Maaseiah the son of Adaiah, and Elishaphat the son of Zichri, into covenant with him.
á  åÇéÌÈñÉáÌåÌ, áÌÄéäåÌãÈä, åÇéÌÄ÷ÀáÌÀöåÌ àÆú-äÇìÀåÄéÌÄí îÄëÌÈì-òÈøÅé éÀäåÌãÈä, åÀøÈàùÑÅé äÈàÈáåÉú ìÀéÄùÒÀøÈàÅì; åÇéÌÈáÉàåÌ, àÆì-éÀøåÌùÑÈìÈÄí. 2 And they went about in Judah, and gathered the Levites out of all the cities of Judah, and the heads of fathers' houses of Israel, and they came to Jerusalem.
â  åÇéÌÄëÀøÉú ëÌÈì-äÇ÷ÌÈäÈì áÌÀøÄéú áÌÀáÅéú äÈàÁìÉäÄéí, òÄí-äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ; åÇéÌÉàîÆø ìÈäÆí, äÄðÌÅä áÆï-äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ éÄîÀìÉêÀ, ëÌÇàÂùÑÆø ãÌÄáÌÆø éÀäåÈä, òÇì-áÌÀðÅé ãÈåÄéã. 3 And all the congregation made a covenant with the king in the house of God. And he said unto them: 'Behold, the king's son shall reign, as the LORD hath spoken concerning the sons of David.
ã  æÆä äÇãÌÈáÈø, àÂùÑÆø úÌÇòÂùÒåÌ:  äÇùÌÑÀìÄùÑÄéú îÄëÌÆí áÌÈàÅé äÇùÌÑÇáÌÈú, ìÇëÌÉäÂðÄéí åÀìÇìÀåÄéÌÄí, ìÀùÑÉòÂøÅé, äÇñÌÄôÌÄéí. 4 This is the thing that ye shall do: a third part of you, that come in on the sabbath, of the priests and of the Levites, shall be porters of the doors;
ä  åÀäÇùÌÑÀìÄùÑÄéú áÌÀáÅéú äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ, åÀäÇùÌÑÀìÄùÑÄéú áÌÀùÑÇòÇø äÇéÀñåÉã; åÀëÈì-äÈòÈí--áÌÀçÇöÀøåÉú, áÌÅéú éÀäåÈä. 5 and a third part shall be at the king's house; and a third part at the gate of the foundation; and all the people shall be in the courts of the house of the LORD.
å  åÀàÇì-éÈáåÉà áÅéú-éÀäåÈä, ëÌÄé àÄí-äÇëÌÉäÂðÄéí åÀäÇîÀùÑÈøÀúÄéí ìÇìÀåÄéÌÄí--äÅîÌÈä éÈáÉàåÌ, ëÌÄé-÷ÉãÆùÑ äÅîÌÈä; åÀëÈì-äÈòÈí--éÄùÑÀîÀøåÌ, îÄùÑÀîÆøÆú éÀäåÈä. 6 But let none come into the house of the LORD, save the priests, and they that minister of the Levites; they shall come in, for they are holy; but all the people shall keep the charge of the LORD.
æ  åÀäÄ÷ÌÄéôåÌ äÇìÀåÄéÌÄí àÆú-äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ ñÈáÄéá, àÄéùÑ åÀëÅìÈéå áÌÀéÈãåÉ, åÀäÇáÌÈà àÆì-äÇáÌÇéÄú, éåÌîÈú; åÄäÀéåÌ àÆú-äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ, áÌÀáÉàåÉ åÌáÀöÅàúåÉ. 7 And the Levites shall compass the king round about, every man with his weapons in his hand; and whosoever cometh into the house, let him be slain; and be ye with the king when he cometh in, and when he goeth out.'
ç  åÇéÌÇòÂùÒåÌ äÇìÀåÄéÌÄí åÀëÈì-éÀäåÌãÈä, ëÌÀëÉì àÂùÑÆø-öÄåÌÈä éÀäåÉéÈãÈò äÇëÌÉäÅï, åÇéÌÄ÷ÀçåÌ àÄéùÑ àÆú-àÂðÈùÑÈéå, áÌÈàÅé äÇùÌÑÇáÌÈú òÄí éåÉöÀàÅé äÇùÌÑÇáÌÈú:  ëÌÄé ìÉà ôÈèÇø éÀäåÉéÈãÈò äÇëÌÉäÅï, àÆú-äÇîÌÇçÀìÀ÷åÉú. 8 So the Levites and all Judah did according to all that Jehoiada the priest commanded; and they took every man his men, those that were to come in on the sabbath, with those that were to go out on the sabbath; for Jehoiada the priest dismissed not the courses.
è  åÇéÌÄúÌÅï éÀäåÉéÈãÈò äÇëÌÉäÅï ìÀùÒÈøÅé äÇîÌÅàåÉú, àÆú-äÇçÂðÄéúÄéí åÀàÆú-äÇîÌÈâÄðÌåÉú åÀàÆú-äÇùÌÑÀìÈèÄéí, àÂùÑÆø, ìÇîÌÆìÆêÀ ãÌÈåÄéã--àÂùÑÆø, áÌÅéú äÈàÁìÉäÄéí. 9 And Jehoiada the priest delivered to the captains of hundreds the spears, and bucklers, and shields, that had been king David's, which were in the house of God.
é  åÇéÌÇòÂîÅã àÆú-ëÌÈì-äÈòÈí åÀàÄéùÑ ùÑÄìÀçåÉ áÀéÈãåÉ, îÄëÌÆúÆó äÇáÌÇéÄú äÇéÀîÈðÄéú òÇã-ëÌÆúÆó äÇáÌÇéÄú äÇùÌÒÀîÈàìÄéú, ìÇîÌÄæÀáÌÅçÇ, åÀìÇáÌÈéÄú--òÇì-äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ, ñÈáÄéá. 10 And he set all the people, every man with his weapon in his hand, from the right side of the house to the left side of the house, along by the altar and the house, by the king round about.
éà  åÇéÌåÉöÄéàåÌ àÆú-áÌÆï-äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ, åÇéÌÄúÌÀðåÌ òÈìÈéå àÆú-äÇðÌÅæÆø åÀàÆú-äÈòÅãåÌú, åÇéÌÇîÀìÄéëåÌ, àÉúåÉ; åÇéÌÄîÀùÑÈçËäåÌ éÀäåÉéÈãÈò åÌáÈðÈéå, åÇéÌÉàîÀøåÌ éÀçÄé äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ.  {ñ} 11 Then they brought out the king's son, and put upon him the crown and the insignia, and made him king; and Jehoiada and his sons anointed him; and they said: 'Long live the king.' {S}
éá  åÇúÌÄùÑÀîÇò òÂúÇìÀéÈäåÌ, àÆú-÷åÉì äÈòÈí äÈøÈöÄéí, åÀäÇîÀäÇìÀìÄéí, àÆú-äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ; åÇúÌÈáåÉà àÆì-äÈòÈí, áÌÅéú éÀäåÈä. 12 And when Athaliah heard the noise of the people running and praising the king, she came to the people into the house of the LORD;
éâ  åÇúÌÅøÆà åÀäÄðÌÅä äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ òåÉîÅã òÇì-òÇîÌåÌãåÉ áÌÇîÌÈáåÉà, åÀäÇùÌÒÈøÄéí åÀäÇçÂöÉöÀøåÉú òÇì-äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ, åÀëÈì-òÇí äÈàÈøÆõ ùÒÈîÅçÇ åÀúåÉ÷ÅòÇ áÌÇçÂöÉöÀøåÉú, åÀäÇîÀùÑåÉøÀøÄéí áÌÄëÀìÅé äÇùÌÑÄéø åÌîåÉãÄéòÄéí ìÀäÇìÌÅì; åÇúÌÄ÷ÀøÇò òÂúÇìÀéÈäåÌ àÆú-áÌÀâÈãÆéäÈ, åÇúÌÉàîÆø ÷ÆùÑÆø ÷ÈùÑÆø.  {ñ} 13 and she looked, and, behold, the king stood on his platform at the entrance, and the captains and the trumpets by the king; and all the people of the land rejoiced, and blew with trumpets; the singers also [played] on instruments of music, and led the singing of praise. Then Athaliah rent her clothes, and said: 'Treason, treason.' {S}
éã  åÇéÌåÉöÅà éÀäåÉéÈãÈò äÇëÌÉäÅï àÆú-ùÒÈøÅé äÇîÌÅàåÉú ôÌÀ÷åÌãÅé äÇçÇéÄì, åÇéÌÉàîÆø àÂìÅäÆí äåÉöÄéàåÌäÈ àÆì-îÄáÌÅéú äÇùÌÒÀãÅøåÉú, åÀäÇáÌÈà àÇçÂøÆéäÈ, éåÌîÇú áÌÆçÈøÆá:  ëÌÄé àÈîÇø äÇëÌÉäÅï, ìÉà úÀîÄéúåÌäÈ áÌÅéú éÀäåÈä. 14 And Jehoiada the priest brought out the captains of hundreds that were set over the host, and said unto them: 'Have her forth between the ranks; and whoso followeth her, let him be slain with the sword'; for the priest said: 'Slay her not in the house of the LORD.'
èå  åÇéÌÈùÒÄéîåÌ ìÈäÌ éÈãÇéÄí, åÇúÌÈáåÉà àÆì-îÀáåÉà ùÑÇòÇø-äÇñÌåÌñÄéí áÌÅéú äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ; åÇéÀîÄéúåÌäÈ, ùÑÈí.  {ô} 15 So they made way for her; and she went to the entry of the horse gate to the king's house; and they slew her there. {P}
èæ  åÇéÌÄëÀøÉú éÀäåÉéÈãÈò, áÌÀøÄéú--áÌÅéðåÉ, åÌáÅéï ëÌÈì-äÈòÈí åÌáÅéï äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ:  ìÄäÀéåÉú ìÀòÈí, ìÇéäåÈä. 16 And Jehoiada made a covenant between himself, and all the people, and the king, that they should be the LORD'S people.
éæ  åÇéÌÈáÉàåÌ ëÈì-äÈòÈí áÌÅéú-äÇáÌÇòÇì åÇéÌÄúÌÀöËäåÌ, åÀàÆú-îÄæÀáÌÀçÉúÈéå åÀàÆú-öÀìÈîÈéå ùÑÄáÌÅøåÌ; åÀàÅú, îÇúÌÈï ëÌÉäÅï äÇáÌÇòÇì, äÈøÀâåÌ, ìÄôÀðÅé äÇîÌÄæÀáÌÀçåÉú. 17 And all the people went to the house of Baal, and broke it down, and broke his altars and his images in pieces, and slew Mattan the priest of Baal before the altars.
éç  åÇéÌÈùÒÆí éÀäåÉéÈãÈò ôÌÀ÷ËãÌåÉú áÌÅéú éÀäåÈä, áÌÀéÇã äÇëÌÉäÂðÄéí äÇìÀåÄéÌÄí àÂùÑÆø çÈìÇ÷ ãÌÈåÄéã òÇì-áÌÅéú éÀäåÈä, ìÀäÇòÂìåÉú òÉìåÉú éÀäåÈä ëÌÇëÌÈúåÌá áÌÀúåÉøÇú îÉùÑÆä, áÌÀùÒÄîÀçÈä åÌáÀùÑÄéø--òÇì, éÀãÅé ãÈåÄéã. 18 And Jehoiada appointed the offices of the house of the LORD under the hand of the priests the Levites, whom David had distributed in the house of the LORD, to offer the burnt-offerings of the LORD, as it is written in the Law of Moses, with rejoicing and with singing, according to the direction of David.
éè  åÇéÌÇòÂîÅã, äÇùÌÑåÉòÂøÄéí, òÇì-ùÑÇòÂøÅé, áÌÅéú éÀäåÈä; åÀìÉà-éÈáåÉà èÈîÅà, ìÀëÈì-ãÌÈáÈø. 19 And he set the porters at the gates of the house of the LORD, that none that was unclean in any thing should enter in.
ë  åÇéÌÄ÷ÌÇç àÆú-ùÒÈøÅé äÇîÌÅàåÉú åÀàÆú-äÈàÇãÌÄéøÄéí åÀàÆú-äÇîÌåÉùÑÀìÄéí áÌÈòÈí åÀàÅú ëÌÈì-òÇí äÈàÈøÆõ, åÇéÌåÉøÆã àÆú-äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ îÄáÌÅéú éÀäåÈä, åÇéÌÈáÉàåÌ áÌÀúåÉêÀ-ùÑÇòÇø äÈòÆìÀéåÉï, áÌÅéú äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ; åÇéÌåÉùÑÄéáåÌ, àÆú-äÇîÌÆìÆêÀ, òÇì, ëÌÄñÌÅà äÇîÌÇîÀìÈëÈä. 20 And he took the captains of hundreds, and the nobles, and the governors of the people, and all the people of the land, and brought down the king from the house of the LORD; and they came through the upper gate unto the king's house, and set the king upon the throne of the kingdom.
ëà  åÇéÌÄùÒÀîÀçåÌ ëÈì-òÇí-äÈàÈøÆõ, åÀäÈòÄéø ùÑÈ÷ÈèÈä; åÀàÆú-òÂúÇìÀéÈäåÌ, äÅîÄéúåÌ áÆçÈøÆá. 21 So all the people of the land rejoiced, and the city was quiet; and they slew Athaliah with the sword.

Bible - Chronicles -
1 Chronicles Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
2 Chronicles Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36