à äÈòÄæåÌ áÌÀðÅé áÄðÀéÈîÄï, îÄ÷ÌÆøÆá éÀøåÌùÑÈìÇÄí, åÌáÄúÀ÷åÉòÇ úÌÄ÷ÀòåÌ ùÑåÉôÈø, åÀòÇì-áÌÅéú äÇëÌÆøÆí ùÒÀàåÌ îÇùÒÀàÅú: ëÌÄé øÈòÈä ðÄùÑÀ÷ÀôÈä îÄöÌÈôåÉï, åÀùÑÆáÆø âÌÈãåÉì.
1 Put yourselves under covert, ye children of Benjamin, away from the midst of Jerusalem, and blow the horn in Tekoa, and set up a signal on Beth-cherem; for evil looketh forth from the north, and a great destruction.
á äÇðÌÈåÈä, åÀäÇîÌÀòËðÌÈâÈä, ãÌÈîÄéúÄé, áÌÇú-öÄéÌåÉï.
2 The comely and delicate one, the daughter of Zion, will I cut off.
â àÅìÆéäÈ éÈáÉàåÌ øÉòÄéí, åÀòÆãÀøÅéäÆí; úÌÈ÷ÀòåÌ òÈìÆéäÈ àÉäÈìÄéí ñÈáÄéá, øÈòåÌ àÄéùÑ àÆú-éÈãåÉ.
3 Shepherds with their flocks come unto her; they pitch their tents against her round about; they feed bare every one what is nigh at hand.
ã ÷ÇãÌÀùÑåÌ òÈìÆéäÈ îÄìÀçÈîÈä, ÷åÌîåÌ åÀðÇòÂìÆä áÇöÌÈäÃøÈéÄí; àåÉé ìÈðåÌ ëÌÄé-ôÈðÈä äÇéÌåÉí, ëÌÄé éÄðÌÈèåÌ öÄìÀìÅé-òÈøÆá.
4 'Prepare ye war against her; arise, and let us go up at noon!' 'Woe unto us! for the day declineth, for the shadows of the evening are stretched out!'
ä ÷åÌîåÌ åÀðÇòÂìÆä áÇìÌÈéÀìÈä, åÀðÇùÑÀçÄéúÈä àÇøÀîÀðåÉúÆéäÈ. {ô}
5 'Arise, and let us go up by night, and let us destroy her palaces.' {P}
å ëÌÄé ëÉä àÈîÇø, éÀäåÈä öÀáÈàåÉú, ëÌÄøÀúåÌ òÅöÈä, åÀùÑÄôÀëåÌ òÇì-éÀøåÌùÑÈìÇÄí ñÉìÀìÈä; äÄéà äÈòÄéø äÈôÀ÷Çã, ëÌËìÌÈäÌ òÉùÑÆ÷ áÌÀ÷ÄøÀáÌÈäÌ.
6 For thus hath the LORD of hosts said: hew ye down her trees, and cast up a mound against Jerusalem; this is the city to be punished; everywhere there is oppression in the midst of her.
æ ëÌÀäÈ÷Äéø áåø (áÌÇéÄø) îÅéîÆéäÈ, ëÌÅï äÅ÷ÅøÈä øÈòÈúÈäÌ; çÈîÈñ åÈùÑÉã éÄùÌÑÈîÇò áÌÈäÌ òÇì-ôÌÈðÇé, úÌÈîÄéã--çÃìÄé åÌîÇëÌÈä.
7 As a cistern welleth with her waters, so she welleth with her wickedness; violence and spoil is heard in her; before Me continually is sickness and wounds.
ç äÄåÌÈñÀøÄé, éÀøåÌùÑÈìÇÄí--ôÌÆï-úÌÅ÷Çò ðÇôÀùÑÄé, îÄîÌÅêÀ: ôÌÆï-àÂùÒÄéîÅêÀ ùÑÀîÈîÈä, àÆøÆõ ìåÉà ðåÉùÑÈáÈä. {ô}
8 Be thou corrected, O Jerusalem, lest My soul be alienated from thee, lest I make thee desolate, a land not inhabited. {P}
è ëÌÉä àÈîÇø éÀäåÈä öÀáÈàåÉú, òåÉìÅì éÀòåÉìÀìåÌ ëÇâÌÆôÆï ùÑÀàÅøÄéú éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì; äÈùÑÅá, éÈãÀêÈ, ëÌÀáåÉöÅø, òÇì-ñÇìÀñÄìÌåÉú.
9 Thus saith the LORD of hosts: They shall thoroughly glean as a vine the remnant of Israel; turn again thy hand as a grape-gatherer upon the shoots.
é òÇì-îÄé àÂãÇáÌÀøÈä åÀàÈòÄéãÈä, åÀéÄùÑÀîÈòåÌ--äÄðÌÅä òÂøÅìÈä àÈæÀðÈí, åÀìÉà éåÌëÀìåÌ ìÀäÇ÷ÀùÑÄéá; äÄðÌÅä ãÀáÇø-éÀäåÈä, äÈéÈä ìÈäÆí ìÀçÆøÀôÌÈä--ìÉà éÇçÀôÌÀöåÌ-áåÉ.
10 To whom shall I speak and give warning, that they may hear? Behold, their ear is dull, and they cannot attend; behold, the word of the LORD is become unto them a reproach, they have no delight in it.
éà åÀàÅú çÂîÇú éÀäåÈä îÈìÅàúÄé, ðÄìÀàÅéúÄé äÈëÄéì--ùÑÀôÉêÀ òÇì-òåÉìÈì áÌÇçåÌõ, åÀòÇì ñåÉã áÌÇçåÌøÄéí éÇçÀãÌÈå: ëÌÄé-âÇí-àÄéùÑ òÄí-àÄùÌÑÈä éÄìÌÈëÅãåÌ, æÈ÷Åï òÄí-îÀìÅà éÈîÄéí.
11 Therefore I am full of the fury of the LORD, I am weary with holding in: pour it out upon the babes in the street, and upon the assembly of young men together; for even the husband with the wife shall be taken, the aged with him that is full of days.
éá åÀðÈñÇáÌåÌ áÈúÌÅéäÆí ìÇàÂçÅøÄéí, ùÒÈãåÉú åÀðÈùÑÄéí éÇçÀãÌÈå: ëÌÄé-àÇèÌÆä àÆú-éÈãÄé òÇì-éÉùÑÀáÅé äÈàÈøÆõ, ðÀàËí-éÀäåÈä.
12 And their houses shall be turned unto others, their fields and their wives together; for I will stretch out My hand upon the inhabitants of the land, saith the LORD.
éâ ëÌÄé îÄ÷ÌÀèÇðÌÈí åÀòÇã-âÌÀãåÉìÈí, ëÌËìÌåÉ áÌåÉöÅòÇ áÌÈöÇò; åÌîÄðÌÈáÄéà, åÀòÇã-ëÌÉäÅï--ëÌËìÌåÉ, òÉùÒÆä ùÌÑÈ÷Æø.
13 For from the least of them even unto the greatest of them every one is greedy for gain; and from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely.
éã åÇéÀøÇôÌÀàåÌ àÆú-ùÑÆáÆø òÇîÌÄé, òÇì-ðÀ÷ÇìÌÈä--ìÅàîÉø, ùÑÈìåÉí ùÑÈìåÉí; åÀàÅéï, ùÑÈìåÉí.
14 They have healed also the hurt of My people lightly, saying: 'Peace, peace', when there is no peace.
èå äÉáÄéùÑåÌ, ëÌÄé úåÉòÅáÈä òÈùÒåÌ; âÌÇí-áÌåÉùÑ ìÉà-éÅáåÉùÑåÌ, âÌÇí-äÇëÀìÄéí ìÉà éÈãÈòåÌ--ìÈëÅï éÄôÌÀìåÌ áÇðÌÉôÀìÄéí áÌÀòÅú-ôÌÀ÷ÇãÀúÌÄéí éÄëÌÈùÑÀìåÌ, àÈîÇø éÀäåÈä. {ñ}
15 They shall be put to shame because they have committed abomination; yea, they are not at all ashamed, neither know they how to blush; therefore they shall fall among them that fall, at the time that I punish them they shall stumble, saith the LORD. {S}
èæ ëÌÉä àÈîÇø éÀäåÈä òÄîÀãåÌ òÇì-ãÌÀøÈëÄéí åÌøÀàåÌ åÀùÑÇàÂìåÌ ìÄðÀúÄáåÉú òåÉìÈí, àÅé-æÆä ãÆøÆêÀ äÇèÌåÉá åÌìÀëåÌ-áÈäÌ, åÌîÄöÀàåÌ îÇøÀâÌåÉòÇ, ìÀðÇôÀùÑÀëÆí; åÇéÌÉàîÀøåÌ, ìÉà ðÅìÅêÀ.
16 Thus saith the LORD: stand ye in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said: 'We will not walk therein.'
éæ åÇäÂ÷ÄîÉúÄé òÂìÅéëÆí öÉôÄéí, äÇ÷ÀùÑÄéáåÌ ìÀ÷åÉì ùÑåÉôÈø; åÇéÌÉàîÀøåÌ, ìÉà ðÇ÷ÀùÑÄéá.
17 And I set watchmen over you: 'Attend to the sound of the horn', but they said: 'We will not attend.'
éç ìÈëÅï, ùÑÄîÀòåÌ äÇâÌåÉéÄí; åÌãÀòÄé òÅãÈä, àÆú-àÂùÑÆø-áÌÈí.
18 Therefore hear, ye nations, and know, O congregation, what is against them.
éè ùÑÄîÀòÄé äÈàÈøÆõ--äÄðÌÅä àÈðÉëÄé îÅáÄéà øÈòÈä àÆì-äÈòÈí äÇæÌÆä, ôÌÀøÄé îÇçÀùÑÀáåÉúÈí: ëÌÄé òÇì-ãÌÀáÈøÇé ìÉà äÄ÷ÀùÑÄéáåÌ, åÀúåÉøÈúÄé åÇéÌÄîÀàÂñåÌ-áÈäÌ.
19 Hear, O earth: behold, I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not attended unto My words, and as for My teaching, they have rejected it.
ë ìÈîÌÈä-æÌÆä ìÄé ìÀáåÉðÈä îÄùÌÑÀáÈà úÈáåÉà, åÀ÷ÈðÆä äÇèÌåÉá îÅàÆøÆõ îÆøÀçÈ÷; òÉìåÉúÅéëÆí ìÉà ìÀøÈöåÉï, åÀæÄáÀçÅéëÆí ìÉà-òÈøÀáåÌ ìÄé.
20 To what purpose is to Me the frankincense that cometh from Sheba, and the sweet cane, from a far country? Your burnt-offerings are not acceptable, nor your sacrifices pleasing unto Me.
ëà ìÈëÅï, ëÌÉä àÈîÇø éÀäåÈä, äÄðÀðÄé ðÉúÅï àÆì-äÈòÈí äÇæÌÆä, îÄëÀùÑÉìÄéí; åÀëÈùÑÀìåÌ áÈí àÈáåÉú åÌáÈðÄéí éÇçÀãÌÈå, ùÑÈëÅï åÀøÅòåÉ--éàáãå (åÀàÈáÈãåÌ). {ô}
21 Therefore thus saith the LORD: Behold, I will lay stumblingblocks before this people, and the fathers and the sons together shall stumble against them, the neighbour and his friend, and they shall perish. {P}
ëá ëÌÉä àÈîÇø éÀäåÈä, äÄðÌÅä òÇí áÌÈà îÅàÆøÆõ öÈôåÉï; åÀâåÉé âÌÈãåÉì, éÅòåÉø îÄéÌÇøÀëÌÀúÅé-àÈøÆõ.
22 Thus saith the LORD: Behold, a people cometh from the north country, and a great nation shall be roused from the uttermost parts of the earth.
ëâ ÷ÆùÑÆú åÀëÄéãåÉï éÇçÂæÄé÷åÌ, àÇëÀæÈøÄé äåÌà åÀìÉà éÀøÇçÅîåÌ, ÷åÉìÈí ëÌÇéÌÈí éÆäÁîÆä, åÀòÇì-ñåÌñÄéí éÄøÀëÌÈáåÌ; òÈøåÌêÀ, ëÌÀàÄéùÑ ìÇîÌÄìÀçÈîÈä, òÈìÇéÄêÀ, áÌÇú-öÄéÌåÉï.
23 They lay hold on bow and spear, they are cruel, and have no compassion; their voice is like the roaring sea, and they ride upon horses; set in array, as a man for war, against thee, O daughter of Zion.
ëã ùÑÈîÇòÀðåÌ àÆú-ùÑÈîÀòåÉ, øÈôåÌ éÈãÅéðåÌ; öÈøÈä, äÆçÁæÄ÷ÇúÀðåÌ--çÄéì, ëÌÇéÌåÉìÅãÈä.
24 'We have heard the fame thereof, our hands wax feeble, anguish hath taken hold of us, and pain, as of a woman in travail.'
ëä àÇì-úöàé (úÌÅöÀàåÌ) äÇùÌÒÈãÆä, åÌáÇãÌÆøÆêÀ àÇì-úìëé (úÌÅìÅëåÌ): ëÌÄé çÆøÆá ìÀàÉéÅá, îÈâåÉø îÄñÌÈáÄéá.
25 Go not forth into the field, nor walk by the way; for there is the sword of the enemy, and terror on every side.
ëå áÌÇú-òÇîÌÄé çÄâÀøÄé-ùÒÈ÷, åÀäÄúÀôÌÇìÌÀùÑÄé áÈàÅôÆø--àÅáÆì éÈçÄéã òÂùÒÄé ìÈêÀ, îÄñÀôÌÇã úÌÇîÀøåÌøÄéí: ëÌÄé ôÄúÀàÉí, éÈáÉà äÇùÌÑÉãÅã òÈìÅéðåÌ.
26 O daughter of my people, gird thee with sackcloth, and wallow thyself in ashes; make thee mourning, as for an only son, most bitter lamentation; for the spoiler shall suddenly come upon us.
ëæ áÌÈçåÉï ðÀúÇúÌÄéêÈ áÀòÇîÌÄé, îÄáÀöÈø; åÀúÅãÇò, åÌáÈçÇðÀúÌÈ àÆú-ãÌÇøÀëÌÈí.
27 I have made thee a tower and a fortress among My people; that thou mayest know and try their way.
ëç ëÌËìÌÈí ñÈøÅé ñåÉøÀøÄéí, äÉìÀëÅé øÈëÄéì ðÀçÉùÑÆú åÌáÇøÀæÆì; ëÌËìÌÈí îÇùÑÀçÄéúÄéí, äÅîÌÈä.
28 They are all grievous revolters, going about with slanders; they are brass and iron; they all of them deal corruptly.
ëè ðÈçÇø îÇôÌËçÇ, îàùúí (îÅàÅùÑ úÌÇí) òÉôÈøÆú--ìÇùÌÑÈåÀà öÈøÇó öÈøåÉó, åÀøÈòÄéí ìÉà ðÄúÌÈ÷åÌ.
29 The bellows blow fiercely, the lead is consumed of the fire; in vain doth the founder refine, for the wicked are not separated.
ì ëÌÆñÆó ðÄîÀàÈñ, ÷ÈøÀàåÌ ìÈäÆí: ëÌÄé-îÈàÇñ éÀäåÈä, áÌÈäÆí. {ô}
30 Refuse silver shall men call them, because the LORD hath rejected them. {P}