Bible - Ecclesiastes -
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Ecclesiastes Chapter 10 ÷ÉäÆìÆú

à  æÀáåÌáÅé îÈåÆú, éÇáÀàÄéùÑ éÇáÌÄéòÇ ùÑÆîÆï øåÉ÷ÅçÇ; éÈ÷Èø îÅçÈëÀîÈä îÄëÌÈáåÉã, ñÄëÀìåÌú îÀòÈè. 1 Dead flies make the ointment of the perfumer fetid and putrid; so doth a little folly outweigh wisdom and honour.
á  ìÅá çÈëÈí ìÄéîÄéðåÉ, åÀìÅá ëÌÀñÄéì ìÄùÒÀîÉàìåÉ. 2 A wise man's understanding is at his right hand; but a fool's understanding at his left.
â  åÀâÇí-áÌÇãÌÆøÆêÀ ëùäñëì (ëÌÀùÑÆñÌÈëÈì) äÉìÅêÀ, ìÄáÌåÉ çÈñÅø; åÀàÈîÇø ìÇëÌÉì, ñÈëÈì äåÌà. 3 Yea also, when a fool walketh by the way, his understanding faileth him, and he saith to every one that he is a fool.
ã  àÄí-øåÌçÇ äÇîÌåÉùÑÅì úÌÇòÂìÆä òÈìÆéêÈ, îÀ÷åÉîÀêÈ àÇì-úÌÇðÌÇç:  ëÌÄé îÇøÀôÌÅà, éÇðÌÄéçÇ çÂèÈàÄéí âÌÀãåÉìÄéí. 4 If the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee, leave not thy place; for gentleness allayeth great offences.
ä  éÅùÑ øÈòÈä, øÈàÄéúÄé úÌÇçÇú äÇùÌÑÈîÆùÑ--ëÌÄùÑÀâÈâÈä, ùÑÆéÌÉöÈà îÄìÌÄôÀðÅé äÇùÌÑÇìÌÄéè. 5 There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, like an error which proceedeth from a ruler:
å  ðÄúÌÇï äÇñÌÆëÆì, áÌÇîÌÀøåÉîÄéí øÇáÌÄéí; åÇòÂùÑÄéøÄéí, áÌÇùÌÑÅôÆì éÅùÑÅáåÌ. 6 Folly is set on great heights, and the rich sit in low place.
æ  øÈàÄéúÄé òÂáÈãÄéí, òÇì-ñåÌñÄéí; åÀùÒÈøÄéí äÉìÀëÄéí ëÌÇòÂáÈãÄéí, òÇì-äÈàÈøÆõ. 7 I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth.
ç  çÉôÅø âÌåÌîÌÈõ, áÌåÉ éÄôÌåÉì; åÌôÉøÅõ âÌÈãÅø, éÄùÌÑÀëÆðÌåÌ ðÈçÈùÑ. 8 He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh through a fence, a serpent shall bite him.
è  îÇñÌÄéòÇ àÂáÈðÄéí, éÅòÈöÅá áÌÈäÆí; áÌåÉ÷ÅòÇ òÅöÄéí, éÄñÌÈëÆï áÌÈí. 9 Whoso quarrieth stones shall be hurt therewith; and he that cleaveth wood is endangered thereby.
é  àÄí-÷ÅäÈä äÇáÌÇøÀæÆì, åÀäåÌà ìÉà-ôÈðÄéí ÷ÄìÀ÷Çì, åÇçÂéÈìÄéí, éÀâÇáÌÅø; åÀéÄúÀøåÉï äÇëÀùÑÅéø, çÈëÀîÈä. 10 If the iron be blunt, and one do not whet the edge, then must he put to more strength; but wisdom is profitable to direct.
éà  àÄí-éÄùÌÑÉêÀ äÇðÌÈçÈùÑ, áÌÀìåÉà-ìÈçÇùÑ; åÀàÅéï éÄúÀøåÉï, ìÀáÇòÇì äÇìÌÈùÑåÉï. 11 If the serpent bite before it is charmed, then the charmer hath no advantage.
éá  ãÌÄáÀøÅé ôÄé-çÈëÈí, çÅï; åÀùÒÄôÀúåÉú ëÌÀñÄéì, úÌÀáÇìÌÀòÆðÌåÌ. 12 The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious; but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself.
éâ  úÌÀçÄìÌÇú ãÌÄáÀøÅé-ôÄéäåÌ, ñÄëÀìåÌú; åÀàÇçÂøÄéú ôÌÄéäåÌ, äåÉìÅìåÌú øÈòÈä. 13 The beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness; and the end of his talk is grievous madness.
éã  åÀäÇñÌÈëÈì, éÇøÀáÌÆä ãÀáÈøÄéí; ìÉà-éÅãÇò äÈàÈãÈí, îÇä-ùÌÑÆéÌÄäÀéÆä, åÇàÂùÑÆø éÄäÀéÆä îÅàÇçÂøÈéå, îÄé éÇâÌÄéã ìåÉ. 14 A fool also multiplieth words; yet man knoweth not what shall be; and that which shall be after him, who can tell him?
èå  òÂîÇì äÇëÌÀñÄéìÄéí, úÌÀéÇâÌÀòÆðÌåÌ--àÂùÑÆø ìÉà-éÈãÇò, ìÈìÆëÆú àÆì-òÄéø. 15 The labour of fools wearieth every one of them, for he knoweth not how to go to the city.
èæ  àÄé-ìÈêÀ àÆøÆõ, ùÑÆîÌÇìÀëÌÅêÀ ðÈòÇø; åÀùÒÈøÇéÄêÀ, áÌÇáÌÉ÷Æø éÉàëÅìåÌ. 16 Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a boy, and thy princes feast in the morning!
éæ  àÇùÑÀøÅéêÀ àÆøÆõ, ùÑÆîÌÇìÀëÌÅêÀ áÌÆï-çåÉøÄéí; åÀùÒÈøÇéÄêÀ áÌÈòÅú éÉàëÅìåÌ, áÌÄâÀáåÌøÈä åÀìÉà áÇùÌÑÀúÄé. 17 Happy art thou, O land, when thy king is a free man, and thy princes eat in due season, in strength, and not in drunkenness!
éç  áÌÇòÂöÇìÀúÌÇéÄí, éÄîÌÇêÀ äÇîÌÀ÷ÈøÆä; åÌáÀùÑÄôÀìåÌú éÈãÇéÄí, éÄãÀìÉó äÇáÌÈéÄú. 18 By slothfulness the rafters sink in; and through idleness of the hands the house leaketh.
éè  ìÄùÒÀçåÉ÷ òÉùÒÄéí ìÆçÆí, åÀéÇéÄï éÀùÒÇîÌÇç çÇéÌÄéí; åÀäÇëÌÆñÆó, éÇòÂðÆä àÆú-äÇëÌÉì. 19 A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh glad the life; and money answereth all things.
ë  âÌÇí áÌÀîÇãÌÈòÂêÈ, îÆìÆêÀ àÇì-úÌÀ÷ÇìÌÅì, åÌáÀçÇãÀøÅé îÄùÑÀëÌÈáÀêÈ, àÇì-úÌÀ÷ÇìÌÅì òÈùÑÄéø:  ëÌÄé òåÉó äÇùÌÑÈîÇéÄí éåÉìÄéêÀ àÆú-äÇ÷ÌåÉì, åÌáÇòÇì äëðôéí (ëÌÀðÈôÇéÄí) éÇâÌÅéã ãÌÈáÈø. 20 Curse not the king, no, not in thy thought, and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber; for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter.

Bible - Ecclesiastes -
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12